5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

Regular health checkups are visits at certain times even though we are feeling very healthy. You need to know 5 steps to take before a routine health check to get the most accurate and effective visit.
Regular health checks can help detect health disorders before they begin or at an early stage of the disease. Then the opportunity for you to treat or cure the disease will be easier.
The contents of the periodical health examination include: general examination (including general examination and screening for some common diseases)

You need to prepare a few steps in advance:
Review family health history
Need to tell the doctor information about the health and illness of his family members. A family history may increase your risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Your doctor will assess your risk of disease based on your family history and other risk factors, and will help you know how to prevent it, have a screening test to detect it at an early stage

Before a routine health check, you should review your family's medical history
You need to capture and regularly update information about the family's health.

5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

Draw a diseased tree like a pedigree. Keeping papers, prescriptions and test results. Even if a family member dies, the cause of death should be recorded.
Prepare a record of your health
Include a schedule of immunizations, remembering if you have had any previous illnesses or dissections, any medications you are taking, including herbs or supplements, previous test results.
Prepare questions to discuss with your doctor in advance
Systematically review health status, old or recurrent signs of illness, and new signs of disease. For example, changes in the body, swelling or tumors, changes in the skin .

5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

Symptoms such as pain, dizziness, fatigue, urine and stool abnormalities, changes in menstrual cycle ... Depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, sleep disorders ... Changing eating habits ..

5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

If there are symptoms, describe when they started, differ from previous occurrences. When presenting to the doctor, you need to be honest, detailed and concise.
You need to keep these things in advance because it is hard to remember them all at the clinic. When leaving the clinic, make sure your questions are answered.
Prepare for the test
In order for the test results to be accurate, a healthcare practitioner needs to prepare in advance, including:
- Do not eat or drink anything other than water for 8-12 hours before your appointment, in order to stabilize blood sugar and blood fats.
- Do not wear clothes that are too tight when measuring blood pressure, taking blood and chest X-rays.
- Do not wear jewelry because it will make the picture taken unclear.

5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

- Pregnant women or women suspected of becoming pregnant should inform the health care provider prior to the examination, as X-rays can affect the fetus.
- Women who are in menstrual period should also inform the health staff in advance to avoid misinterpreting the results of urine analysis.
Patients take samples for routine health check-ups at Hopital Hospital
Usually, a routine health evaluation is usually sufficient (blood glucose, blood glucose, renal function, ionic graph, total urine analysis, ECG, chest X-ray, super abdominal sounds).
However, after the examination, depending on the specific case or when you need more examination, your doctor may order additional tests such as blood type, blood fat, infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, C , HIV / AIDS, cancer screening tests and other in-depth tests ...
Ask the doctor everything
After having enough data about your health condition, your doctor will tell you the results, prescribe medication and give health advice.
This is the time you need to ask your doctor all questions about your condition: whether to take medication, how long to take it, how to react to the medicine, any other cure other than medication, re-examination .

5 Steps To Take Before A Routine Physical Exam

Also on the occasion of this physical exam, you should ask your doctor about immunizations such as hepatitis B, leprosy, avian flu, cervical cancer, etc.
If the general examination results are good, for children under 50 years old, they should be checked again every three years. However, if possible, annual health checks are best regardless of age..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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