6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

Miscarriage does not mean that you completely lose the ability to have children, many women with miscarriage can still get pregnant successfully. However, in order for your pregnancy to be safe later, your spouse needs special attention. Make sure your husband and wife unanimously decide to start getting pregnant again, with the least amount of pressure.
Recovery after miscarriage
Before trying to get pregnant again, your body needs time to recover.
Bleeding usually ends within a week after the miscarriage (if not, you need to see a doctor right away), you may be exhausted for a few days

Depending on the form of miscarriage (spontaneous or abortion) after being treated in hospital, the natural hormone may take 4-6 weeks to return to normal.
The menstrual cycle usually returns within the same time period, 4-6 weeks but it may take several cycles to stabilize.
However, recent studies show that, if you are ready, pregnancy can succeed sooner
It is important not to get married too early.

6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

When bleeding is the time to easily infect.
Women after miscarriage need to rest and recover
Look closely at what caused you to miscarry before
This helps you limit the risk factors for miscarriage. There are several common causes of miscarriage:
Due to disorders of the immune system;
Due to abnormal hormonal changes in the mother's body, such as a decrease in hormones;
Diabetes, ovary with septum ...;
Family history: If your mother or sister has also had a miscarriage, then your miscarriage can be hereditary;
For pregnant women over the age of 35, the risk of miscarriage is very large;
Miscarriage can be caused by a chemical or food poison that causes miscarriage;
If the cause of the miscarriage is because you have a blood vessel blockage, you may need to have a doctor prescribe medication to correct the problem;
In case, the pregnancy can not be held because you are active or there are strong impacts during pregnancy, you should pay more attention in activities.
Note for cases of continuous miscarriage:
If you have repeated miscarriages, about 2-3 times or more, then miscarriage can now become a dangerous "habit"
The cause of this condition is:
Abnormal fetus development: Abnormal sperm or egg fertilization makes it impossible for the fetus to develop, leading to miscarriage.

6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

Uterine abnormalities: The uterus is malformed, has fibroids, is inflamed, has surgery or scraped repeatedly ...
Besides, there are also causes such as genetics, hard labor, chemical poisoning ....
Cases of repeated miscarriage need to be especially careful if you want to get pregnant again.

6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

You should only get pregnant again about 6 months later when the uterus has fully recovered.
You should consult your doctor to find out the cause and remedy for this condition most effectively.
Miscarriage can be caused by many things including abnormalities of the egg or sperm
The time should be pregnant after miscarriage
Check your husband's health to make sure he and her body is healthy and ready for pregnancy.
Talk to your doctor and determine the best health condition and when to ovulate to get pregnant again.
You can prevent some risks after miscarriage or in some cases specify the cause of miscarriage before, you can prevent them.
You can get pregnant again immediately or wait after your first period to return (4-6 weeks) to help your doctor calculate a favorable conception time. Many cases have to wait 3-6 months to get pregnant again.
To improve health, you need to eat well, combined with folic acid supplements as directed by your doctor.

6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

Do not worry if you do not get pregnant again soon after the effort. Many couples have no reproductive problems and often "love" only a 30% chance of getting pregnant during the month. There is currently no calculation of how long it will take to get pregnant after a successful miscarriage, unless there are some other medical reasons.
Increased chances of conception
To increase your chances of conceiving, you should preserve and improve your health by:
Working in moderation, avoiding stress, stress;
Eat the most nutritious foods rich in iron, folic acid, cut down on alcohol and smoking completely;
Do not expose or work in hazardous or polluted environments;
Should exercise, walk regularly every day, gentle exercises like Yoga are also good to improve your health;
Stay mentally relaxed to increase your chances of conceiving.
Stay mentally comfortable
Don't torment yourself if you miscarry no matter whose fault it is. Should be considered as a sad story, happened unintended. You can share your negative feelings with your husband, friends, relatives ..

6 Note When Pregnant Again After Miscarriage

. to keep the spirit of fun, more relaxed.
Many women develop a fear of having another miscarriage. You should not be too worried about this because according to the survey results, up to 85% of pregnant women succeed after having miscarried.
Keeping the spirit of comfort, mental health also helps women "pregnant" easier, healthier babies.
Folic acid can be supplemented with food
The anxiety of miscarriage once.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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