8 Foods That Help Keep You Away From Breast Cancer

Currently, the incidence of breast cancer is increasing, directly threatening women's health every day. According to research by scientists, there are many foods that help prevent breast cancer effectively. So start protecting the health of your "round 1" from making good food choices.
According to a report of 'Daily Mail' (UK) and 'Nutrition and Cancer' (USA), a series of studies show that eating 50g - 57g of walnuts a day can reduce the risk of cancer. 50% breast cancer

. New research by scientists from Marshall University in West Virginia, USA, conducted on laboratory mice for the anti-cancer effects of walnut trees.
The researchers fed walnuts to pregnant mice to explore the effects of this fruit when it was inside the womb. And they found that mice from birth to adulthood ate different walnuts at different stages associated with an increased risk of cancer

Dr Elaine Hardman, Ph.

8 Foods That Help Keep You Away From Breast Cancer

D., said the results showed that mice eating more walnuts not only reduced the risk of cancer but even smaller tumors.
Kelp is not only rich in vitamin E and fiber but also rich in iodine. Scientists say iodine deficiency is one of the risk factors for breast cancer.
Therefore, eating kelp helps prevent breast cancer very well. Japanese women have a low incidence of breast cancer because their daily diet consumes kelp and other seaweed preparations very often. Meanwhile, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, water chestnuts, water chestnuts, beans can also prevent food breast cancer

Soy food
According to the American Medical Association, consuming moderate amounts of soy foods is beneficial to help prevent breast cancer, reduce mortality and recurrence rates for breast cancer patients.

8 Foods That Help Keep You Away From Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that tolerating about 11 grams per day has the strongest anti-cancer effect. Beyond this number, the potency may not increase but decrease. Research also shows that the best tolerance for soy protein is to choose natural foods like tofu, soy, and unsweetened soy milk.
Kiwi is one of the fruits against breast cancer. It is rich in vitamin C, 4-12 times higher than oranges, triple that of apples and 60 times more than grapes. Kiwi has a certain effect in preventing nitrosamine formation that plays an important role in preventing breast cancer in women.
Research shows that mangoes are effective in preventing breast cancer. Mangoes contain polyphenols, especially the tannins (polyphenols) that can disrupt the cell division cycle.

8 Foods That Help Keep You Away From Breast Cancer

Thanks to that mango to prevent breast cancer with excellent results.
Hawthorn can be an appetizer, providing low levels of fat in the blood, can also inhibit cancer cell growth. It is also rich in vitamin C, which may be effective in preventing the occurrence of breast cancer in women.
Red fruits and vegetables
After a series of studies, experts claim red fruits and vegetables may prevent breast cancer. Because some plant components are effective in limiting tumor cell protein growth, it may also decrease the tumor cells' ability to respond to estrogen to prevent breast cancer. In particular, apples and red grapes are most effective at preventing breast cancer.
Citrus family
Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are rich in vitamin c that can inhibit nitrosamine formation, thereby achieving effective prevention of breast cancer in women..

8 Foods That Help Keep You Away From Breast Cancer

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