8 Things That Office Pregnant Women Need To Keep In Mind So That The Fetus Is Healthy, Safe And Well Developed

Every day, pregnant women work from 8 to 10 hours at the computer. So how does the office environment affect the health of you and your baby? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers from the experts:
Questions 1:
Is the work frequently in contact with computers safe for the fetus?
There is no evidence to suggest that office pregnant women are often exposed to computers that are harmful to an unborn baby. Normally, the mother works with the computer for no more than 4 consecutive hours a day, the fetus completely develops normally.
For pregnant women who work a lot with computers, from 8-10 hours a day, there should be measures to relieve the pressure or harm of ultraviolet radiation emanating from the computer.
What can mom do:
After about 30 minutes, pregnant women should leave the computer screen and walk around in the office

. Mom can enlist to breathe the air outdoors, gentle movement, eye massage rather than "glued" eyes to the computer for 8 hours in a row.
If there are many other computers around, switch to the corner of the office to avoid ultraviolet rays from different directions.
Also can use screen protector glass to reduce 75% of the computer's electromagnetic waves

Pregnant women in constant contact with the computer should take measures to prevent ultraviolet rays
Question 2:
Sitting in the office all day can lead to lack of sunlight, causing calcium deficiency?
This also has no evidence to point out.

8 Things That Office Pregnant Women Need To Keep In Mind So That The Fetus Is Healthy, Safe And Well Developed

However, it is essential that pregnant women arrange their schedules properly so they can have time to "relax" and be exposed to the sun.
If insufficient vitamins A, E, D will create a large excretion of calcium in the urine, and how much calcium you take will not be absorbed. In the absence of calcium, mothers often have wobbly teeth, softer fingernails and feet, or sweating, cramps, etc.
What can mom do:
If your seat is near a window where light can enter, it is ideal.
Luckily, however, we live in a tropical country, with the sunshine almost year round. As long as you don't abstain, the time on the way to work in the morning and 1 hour lunch break to go out to eat is enough for your and your baby's vitamin D absorption needs.
When sun exposure should apply protective measures to prevent skin damage, can use sunscreen with SPF 30 or sunscreen products of natural origin, to avoid producing negative effects for the fetus

Mothers can supplement vitamins including vitamin D to enhance absorption of calcium.

8 Things That Office Pregnant Women Need To Keep In Mind So That The Fetus Is Healthy, Safe And Well Developed

Pregnant women should be regularly exposed to sunlight
Question 3:
Should pregnancy to the 2nd trimester should millet legs higher?
This is true. Increasing the leg height in the middle of the period helps to reduce the burden on the legs and prevent edema.
During this time, the weight of the fetus increases, causing the mother's body to be under more pressure from the upper body, easily causing edema.
What can mom do:
During pregnancy, you can put your foot on a small stool, if you feel uncomfortable, you can put your foot on the low box, every one hour to change position will help reduce foot aches.
Massage two feet from the bottom to the top to reduce the risk of edema.
Ideally, about every hour, you should leave the position to move gently in the office or corridor, helping blood circulation better.
Remember that during pregnancy you should not exercise too vigorously, do not rush to avoid abortion. If the swelling "extends" to the knee and face, immediately seek medical attention.

8 Things That Office Pregnant Women Need To Keep In Mind So That The Fetus Is Healthy, Safe And Well Developed

The later in pregnancy, the easier it is for the pregnant woman to get a leg
Question 4:
Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?
Coffee is the favorite drink of many people working in the office.
However, coffee can have certain effects on pregnant women. According to the latest research, if a pregnant woman takes 200mg of caffeine a day, the rate of miscarriage will increase.
What can mom do:
If the pregnant woman is unable to combat her drowsiness, then allow yourself a small cup of coffee every day. You can dilute coffee to use more
Or switch to light coffee for women and for pregnant women
Or look for caffeinated coffee
Or replace it with nutritious coffee-flavored snacks to stop "craving".
Pregnant women have many methods to satisfy coffee preferences without affecting the fetus
Question 5:
Abdominal massage helps the fetus obediently, "coordinate" work with mother?
This may be true from an angle. Starting in the fifth month, the fetus can recognize the mother's voice and actions. Therefore, the massage will help the fetus find a sense of security from the mother and be more obedient.

8 Things That Office Pregnant Women Need To Keep In Mind So That The Fetus Is Healthy, Safe And Well Developed

What can mom do:
Pregnancy should not be neglected even when working.
Every day, moms should spend 30-45 minutes gently massaging the abdomen so that your baby can feel soothed by her mother.
In your spare time, mom talk and tell stories to your baby. Help your baby get acquainted with many uncles and colleagues to increase affection between them.
When working, mom should try to control her emotions and voice, not loudly or let frustration and anxiety prolong the picture..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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