9 Drugs To Avoid For Children

Giving children medication, both over-the-counter and herbal, is not arbitrary.
Always ask the doctor before giving your child any medicine that is never redundant advice for parents. Babies are much younger and more reactive to adults than adults, so giving them medicine - both over-the-counter and herbal medicines - is by no means arbitrary.
If your child vomits or develops a rash after taking the medication, seek medical attention immediately. Even if it's not for you to give your baby medication, babies who know how to crawl can put anything in their mouths - which might include a bottle you forgot to put away

Here are the medicines you should not use for your baby:

Never give your baby aspirin or any medicine containing the ingredient aspirin unless prescribed by your doctor. Aspirin can cause babies with Reye syndrome - a rare disease that can be fatal. Do not be subjective that the children's medicine in pharmacies certainly does not contain aspirin

Read the ingredients of the medication carefully because aspirin may also be labeled chemically as "salicylate" or "acetylsalicylic acid," and ask your pharmacist or doctor if you're not sure whether the medicine contains aspirin or is not
To treat your baby's fever and other uncomfortable symptoms, ask your doctor to prescribe acetaminophen or ibuprofen for your baby - but don't give ibuprofen to babies younger than 6 months old.

9 Drugs To Avoid For Children

Over-the-counter cough and flu medications
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not using over-the-counter cough and flu medicines for young children. Research shows that they do not help alleviate symptoms in children at this age, but can also cause harm to the baby, especially in the wrong dosage for children.
In addition to the side effects that cause difficulty sleeping or insomnia, abdominal pain, rash or rash, children may experience more severe complications such as abnormal tachycardia, seizures or even death. Each year, thousands of children die in the emergency room because of a cough and flu overdose.
If your child is showing signs of the flu, you can try humidifying or other natural remedies.
Anti-nausea medicine
Do not give your baby anti-nausea medicine unless the doctor deems it necessary. Most nausea and vomiting occur fairly quickly, with babies and older children often able to control them well without any medicine
In addition, anti-nausea medication also hidden risks and complications for the baby.

9 Drugs To Avoid For Children

Therefore, if your child vomits leads to dehydration, seek medical attention or get helpful advice from a specialist.
Medicines of adults
It is very dangerous to give adult medicine at home in smaller doses. Also, infant drops are more concentrated than older ones, so be careful about the dosage you give your baby. If the medicine label does not specify a dose that is appropriate for your baby's age and weight, skip and do not give the medication.
Any medicine prescribed for someone else or for another disease
Medications prescribed for someone else (like your baby's brother or sister) or for other illnesses may not work or even be dangerous to the baby. Give your child only medication that is specifically prescribed for him and his illness.
The drug has expired
Throw away all medicines, including prescription or over-the-counter medicines as soon as they expire. You should also throw away other discolored or other .

9 Drugs To Avoid For Children

.. different drugs - basically not the same as when you bought them. After expiry, the drug has no cure effect but can also be harmful.
In terms of disposal and disposal, public health experts do not support the disposal of drugs in a toilet because of concern that chemicals will seep into groundwater and may leave residues in drinking water. After treatment, doctors also recommend that some medicines that can be harmful to children should be disposed of in the toilet rather than thrown into the trash.
Acetaminophen increased
Some medicines contain acetaminophen to help reduce fever and pain, so be cautious when using a combination of drugs to avoid increasing the dose of acetaminophen that your child absorbs into the body. If you are unsure about medications, do not give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen until your doctor tells you to.

9 Drugs To Avoid For Children

Chewable tablets and tablets
Chewable tablets and other types of tablets pose a risk of choking and choking in young children. If your baby is already weaning and you want to give your baby a pill, consult your doctor about crushing the medicine and mixing it into a spoonful of soft foods like yogurt and mashed potatoes. (Of course, make sure your baby will eat the whole spoon to absorb the full dose of medicine.)
Ipecac syrup (medicine to induce vomiting)
Ipecac syrup causes vomiting and is often used to prevent gastrointestinal toxicity. However, this type of syrup is no longer trusted by doctors primarily because there is no evidence that vomiting can help fight poisoning. In fact, Ipecac syrup may be more harmful than good when a child vomits continuously while other medications have been shown to be safer, such as.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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