9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

Fatty is a condition in the body that accumulates too much fat, which not only affects the body but also the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other chronic diseases.
In order to reduce fat, besides proper diet, exercise, acupressure method can eliminate excess fat in the body, on the other hand, through business communication, low motor, blood activity. chemical stasis, gas consumption expires ..

. thereby regulating the function of the viscera. Please introduce some reflexology to read and apply by yourself.
- Spirituality, rubbing hands and fingers: stand up straight, relax, puff out your chest, straighten your back; Breathe evenly, hold the air at the knitting field, rubbing your hands together for 1-2 minutes to heat up

- Rub nose, rub forehead, face and ears: hands on cheeks, round from inside to outside in order: rub nose to forehead, spread to sides of temples, ears, down and down meet at cheek.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

Repeat this operation 10 - 15 times.
- Day of eye compartment, press 4 corners of the eyes: Close the eyes, use the abdomen of the index fingers and rub around the eye rim, impacting on acupuncture points: love, fishermen, pupils, and temples. Repeat this procedure 5 to 10 times.
Close your eyes, use your thumb to press on the points of love, love, white angel, pupils, each point 5 - 10 times.
- Day rub under the chin and rub the neck neck: pursed lips, raised the head: using fishing and belly the index finger, between rubbing from the bottom of the chin to the sides, cheeks - concave in front of ears - protrusion behind ears, moderate push 5 to 10 times. Then use the abdomen of the index finger, middle finger stroked from the chin to the sides 5-10 times
His hands rubbed the sides of his neck and the back of his neck, the protrusion behind his ears. Repeat this operation 3-5 times

- Kill the back, press firmly:
Raise hand, use index finger, between neck and neck, up and down, firm and slowly move, do 5-10 times.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

Raise your hand, use your index finger, and press in between the pressure points to stay awake, doing 3-5 times.
- Day rubbing shoulders, arms, clapping hands:
Use your thumb and the other 4 fingers to squeeze the inside and outside hands in turn from shoulder to hand, fingers (from acupuncture point to Lao palace). Do 3-5 times.
Use your hands to rub inside and outside your arms from top to bottom, from inside to outside, doing 3-5 times.
Use your palms to tap the arms from top to bottom, two hands in turn, doing 3-5 times.
- Rub the chest and abdomen:
Hands spread straight from the center of the chest to the sides, 3-5 times.
Hands stacked, using palms pressed to the abdomen and then heavy, light breathing, do 5-10 times.
Hands overlap, apply pressure to the navel, then circle clockwise, working for 2-3 minutes.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

Massage the ribs and abdomen.
Using both hands, press down on both sides of the abdomen from top to bottom, firm and slow, lightly breathing with breathing, do 3-5 times.
- Rub the ribs, flap the back:
Use your hands to rub the sides of your waist from the top down. Doing 15-20 times.
Use your fist to punch the backs from the top down: from the travelers to the bureaucracy. Do 3-5 times.
- Day rub the thighs, punch the legs: use your hands to squeeze the inside and outside of the legs, from the thighs down to the feet, rubbing the soles of the feet (from bunny costumes to brave ones). After finishing, move to the other foot and do it 3-5 times.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

- Clench your hands, punch inside and outside with legs from top to bottom 3-5 times.
Use your hands to rub and rub the inside and outside edges, turn your legs down from the top, doing 3-5 times.
Note: Carrying out the procedure is to combine erection and need, taking softness is the main thing. When manipulating the abdomen, the back must be smooth, slow, convenient; the nape, neck, limbs manipulate in diamonds like. Based on the level of fat, physical strength, illness, but moderate operation, do not rush and too much damage to the skin.
Vented locations need impact:
- Sun temple: acupoint in depression, from the corner of the outer eye measures 1 inch.
- Dong Tu Lieu: 1.5 inches from the outer corner of the outer eye, the depression is close to the outside of the socket.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

- Fisherman love: The depression between the eyebrows.
- Love: On the corner of the eye for 0.1 inch.
- Tu transparent: Right in the middle of the lower eyelid straight down 1 inch, the depression under the eye hole.
- Kien Province: the middle of the line connecting the neck vertebra 7 to the top of the shoulder, the highest of the shoulder.
- Labyrinth: Holding the hand, the tip of the middle finger touching the fold between the palms, where it is acupressure.
- Bhikkhu du: Under the ridge of vertebrae 11 measured sideways to 1.5 inches.

9 Ways To Massage Reflexology To Reduce Fat

- Bat lieu: In the rib holes with 1, 2, 3 and 4 (including lieu, lieu, trung lieu, lower lieu).
- Easter bunnies: Outer edge of tea cake bone 6 inches.
- Dung tuyen: Serial one-third and two-thirds behind the soles of the soles (not counting the fingers), the indentation appears when the foot bone contract..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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