Note Nutrition Red Light Period

Each period of red light is like a monthly "purifying" body for women. Many toxins in the body can be excreted by menstruation. At the same time, this is also a great opportunity for women to beautify.
What to eat during the red light period to rosy lips?
Many women often experience unpleasant symptoms when the red light comes such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, irritability, fatigue .

.. This is closely related to the hormonal imbalance in the muscles. be

Therefore, at this time should pay attention to fostering the gas, cooling the liver by eating mood-regulating foods such as cabbage, grapefruit, lean meat, celery, brown rice, duck eggs, juniper, melon, squash executioner, seaweed, sea cucumber, carrot, radish, pecan, black wood ear, mushroom .

Note Nutrition Red Light Period

The period when the red light comes may also appear other symptoms such as anorexia, waist pain ... At this time, women should choose foods that are good for the circulation, such as goat meat, chicken, jujube, apples. , beef, chicken eggs, fresh milk, red sugar, useful sample, dong quai

Note Nutrition Red Light Period

During the red light period, your body will lose some blood, along with inorganic salt components such as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium ... Therefore, after the red light period, women also should include foods rich in minerals, protein and blood-active, nourishing effects such as beef, chicken eggs, goose eggs, fresh milk, goat meat, spinach, longan, carrots, lychee, apples, or rules…
During the red light period should drink yogurt?
Many women do not dare to eat yogurt during the period of red light, afraid to affect the quality of menstruation. In fact, women can eat normal yogurt, but do not eat yogurt too cold, because the temperature is too cold will affect some nutrients in yogurt. Thus the body will not be able to absorb all the nutrients.
Normally, during the red light period, there is no need for special enrichment, just need to pay attention to eat frugal foods, eat a lot of vegetables, do not eat stimulating food, combined with light exercise.

Note Nutrition Red Light Period

gentle to physical enhancement.
Absolutely should avoid eating?
Your body in these days is in a special state, so it is important to avoid using some of the following foods to avoid damaging the body.
Foods that cause cold: The welding food according to Oriental medicine has pears, bananas, peppers. Most of these foods have a detoxifying, laxative and antipyretic effect. Daily eating is beneficial for the body, but should be absolutely avoided during the red light period so as not to cause menstrual cramps, or irregular periods.
Spicy foods like chili, cloves, pepper, etc. are often spice to enhance the flavor of the dish. However, if you eat these foods during the red light period may cause menstrual cramps, or excessive menstruation .

Note Nutrition Red Light Period

Foods that affect genitals such as wood ear, beer, rabbit meat should also be limited.
What to eat on red lights can increase round 1?
During the red light period, women can use appropriate moderation to bring about an increase in round 1.
The first day to the third day of the red light period is the most convenient time to use food that effectively increases the size of the 1st round. In these 3 days, eat lots of carrots, potatoes, soybeans and fruits Dryness will bring about a 3-fold increase in efficiency compared to normal days for women.
In addition, calcium in food can also stimulate the secretion of hormones in the body, supporting a more effective round 1.
Source: TTONL.

Note Nutrition Red Light Period

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