Notes On Vaccination For Children

Vaccination is one of the most effective preventive measures. Therefore, health experts recommend that parents give their children adequate vaccinations, especially those under the expanded immunization program. Below is the essential information about the immunization program specifically for children.

Preparation before vaccination
When vaccinating, children should wear simple clothes to help doctors easily manipulate during the examination, do not wear too tight clothes, warm too much.
Do not give your baby food or breastfeed before being vaccinated, but do not make him hungry to avoid hypoglycemia after injection

Clean body hygiene to limit infection, prepare enough health records of the baby, especially the previous vaccination book.

Cases of delayed injection

By the time the vaccination is needed, if the child is ill, especially if the fever is, then postpone the injection.
In addition, for children who are allergic, have a reaction at the previous vaccination, children with agitation, brain and neurological problems, children with acquired immunodeficiency (HIV infection) or congenital, temporary (taking immunosuppressant drugs: gamma globulin, corticosteroids within 3 months), the child has a blood transfusion within a year, the child has been vaccinated within 4 weeks, then postpone the injection

Number of injections in 1 time

In vaccination, 2 live vaccines should not be administered for more than 4 weeks (tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox .

Notes On Vaccination For Children

..). In addition, contraindicated vaccinations are not contraindicated.
However, injecting more than 1 vaccine in addition to increasing pain for the child, when a reaction occurs, it is difficult to track the allergy caused by the vaccine.
Therefore, it is best to get 1 vaccine per injection. When there are special cases: remote houses, organ transplants


Notes On Vaccination For Children

. will be able to specify the use of 2 or more suitable vaccines.
Reaction after injection
Common post-injection reactions: Systemic reaction: fever (usually in 2 days), mild fussiness, temporary anorexia; Local reactions (pain, redness at the injection site).
Specific reaction for each type of vaccine: BCG (ulcer at the injection site after 6-8 weeks, axillary lymphadenopathy with the injection side), measles (a few erythematous macules scattered 1-3 days later) ...
All vaccines must be injected within the time set by the Ministry of Health and the manufacturer. However, in the case of needing to postpone the injection, then re-inject it, it is not necessary to start again, but to continue the injection according to the next schedule.

Notes On Vaccination For Children

Things to know after the injection

Immediately after injection, should stay and monitor at the medical facility for a minimum of 30 minutes, monitor and notify medical staff as soon as the child shows unusual signs.
Home care after injection: Apply cool compresses (not hot compresses), give children more water, and breastfeed more; dressing well, drinking fever when needed; Return to medical facilities as soon as the child has an abnormal reaction..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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