Oa In The Elderly And How To Treat It

Osteoarthritis (THK) is a consequence of a mechanical biological process that imbalances the synthesis and destruction of cartilage and the subarticular cartilage. OCC usually occurs in the age of over 40, progresses slowly, but it has a significant impact on labor and daily activities. If not treated promptly, the disease will lead to disability, costly to the family and society.
The cause of OA
OA is an unexplained disease, but there are several factors related to the disease such as:
- Due to overworked joints, especially in the case of congenital deformities or diseases that change the morphology of the joints.
- Some chronic arthritis gradually cartilage destruction leads to OA such as rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis, goute

- Continuous minor injuries of occupational diseases such as athletes, or injuries to some hand joints, boxers' shoulders, weightlifters' knees, dancers' ankles , miners' spine joints

Oa In The Elderly And How To Treat It

. playing sports causing injuries that destabilize joints and ligaments.
- Elderly, when falling down, it is easy to cause injury, such as anti-hand, which causes long-term wrist joint pain, which causes wrist, neck, spine, etc.
The expression of THK
Pain is a major sign, followed by physical obstruction. Pain occurs suddenly, during exertion, when pressed or bumped, from mild to severe, increased with exercise and decreased with rest. These pains have reduced the amplitude of activity of the joints, leading to long-term muscle atrophy and some patients also cause bone deformation.
- Degenerative degeneration in the heel joints, patients with pain in the heel pain in the morning, when you get up, get down from the bed, take the first steps, when a few tens of meters of pain is much reduced then completely gone, yes Can walk normally
The next morning the pain again and again and so worse.

Oa In The Elderly And How To Treat It

- Degeneration in the knee joint, in addition to the pain symptoms can be accompanied by a crunching noise, limping when stretching the knee joint, pain sometimes when walking and exercise, especially when squatting, standing up very difficult, many When you have to hold on to something to stand up, heavier than numbness of the leg, slight deformation of the knee joint, the constant feeling of fatigue in the joints makes the patient like to break the joint to make cracking noises, these movements have May cause damage to joints.
- There may be inflammatory reactions such as redness, swelling or joint effusion accompanied by persistent pain throughout the day and night.
- Little body changes, not tired of anorexia, not thin.
XQ symptom: Joint fracture due to changes of articular cartilage, image of spine bone usually grows on the edge of joints (possibly many spines), spine bones in the spine are less common in other joints such as knee joints, heel joints foot.
Treatment of OA in the elderly
Principle of treatment: Need to promptly help patients relieve pain; slowing damage to joints and preventing new injuries, maintaining mobility, slowing joint damage, especially preventing cartilage degeneration at the lowest level caused by the disease. Therefore, patients need to strictly abide by the medical treatment orders of specialized physicians.
Non-pharmacological treatment in mild cases of OA.
Use physical therapies such as
- Apply hot compresses or infrared lights at the joints, this is an easy method to do at home, but to use fluently, you need the guidance of a doctor or physiotherapist.

Oa In The Elderly And How To Treat It

This method works to relieve pain and relax the muscles in the sore joints, pay attention to the temperature of the heat and the distance from the infrared light to the joint if it is too hot, it may burn the skin, the time of lighting or heat is 30 minutes, 1-3 times a day.
- Shortwave or ultrasound machine has the effect of treating deep in the joints, the results are very good, but only applicable in hospitals, requiring the appointment of a specialist because it can be dangerous if the patient suffering from a number of other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, are crucified by a fracture.
- Electrical pulse pain relief is also very good effect but note not used on patients with accompanying cardiovascular disease.
Motor therapy method: Has a good effect in the pain phase has been relieved, the acute phase of pain should be more resting. In the case of lumbar spinal degeneration, it is recommended not to lie on a thick mattress, but on a flat board or a thin mattress less than 5 inches to keep the spine straight, nor should it lie directly on the brick or ground floor. cold body.
Drug treatment
When using non-medicated treatment for unsatisfactory results, more drugs can be used. Most anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle relaxants have certain side effects on the stomach such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, and even perforation of the stomach .

Oa In The Elderly And How To Treat It

.. so before taking them We must tell the doctor about our stomach condition.
The method of injection at the joint is indicated by specialized physicians, in cases of severe OA with limited joint movement, only used when taken by mouth or injected with no satisfactory results or not available By this way, the injection in the joint will be fast so the patient is excited or subjective, not abstaining from the actions that cause damage to the joints in daily life can cause harm.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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