Panic Attacks Can Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

So far, medicine still doesn't know what causes panic attacks. It is thought that genetic factors, stress and biochemical agents may play a role in disease. A person is more likely to be startled in a panic if they have a relative with this disease.

Many researchers believe that the body's natural reaction to escape or fight against danger is closely related to the panic that ensues. Many studies show that the human heart and breathing speed faster when we face a life-threatening situation and similar reactions occur in panic

Signs of sudden and emergency

Maybe in your life, you or your loved one had a panic attack, but you didn't know it was sick or you forgot the event. Panic attacks can occur anytime and anywhere. When you're alone, or with other people, at home or in public

Sometimes panic wakes you from a good night's sleep.

Panic Attacks Can Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

Suddenly, your heart beats fast, your face is hot and your breathing is pounding. You feel dizzy, nauseous, uncontrollable. You may even feel like you're about to die. The panic occurred suddenly, peaked in 10 minutes and lasted about half an hour. In fact, panic attacks have many variations, some of them last for hours, even throughout the day.
A panic attack may include more or less the following: naturally dizzy, sweating, tremor, tachycardia, rapid breathing, chest pain, neck tightness, difficulty swallowing, chills or hot flashes, nausea, abdominal cramps. Many people believe that they are having a heart attack and are rushing to the emergency room

While others try to ignore the symptoms, do not admit that you are in a panic.

Panic Attacks Can Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

Consequences from panic attacks
Panic attacks can cause disability and physical and mental damage to the person. Because of fear of recurrent panic attacks, patients are in a state of fear after fear. For children, panic attacks can affect a child's normal physical and mental development. Due to the fear of panic attacks, many children do not go to school, or do not dare leave their homes to avoid situations in which children are afraid of panic attacks. The most dangerous is a panic attack that increases the risk of depression, suicide, alcoholism, and drug use in patients.

Deal with panic attacks
Treatment of panic attacks can be given with antidepressants (it also works to prevent relapses), which reduces anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a doctor that helps you better understand panic attacks and how to deal with them. You are told what causes panic attacks and what makes them worse.

Panic Attacks Can Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

At the same time, you can also learn to cope with anxiety, such as using breathing and relaxation techniques. You can learn to relax through techniques such as meditation, qigong, and muscle relaxation ... The state of relaxation not only helps you get rid of the stresses of your daily work, but also gives you a positive sense and Satisfied, relaxed feeling in the soul. Relaxing reduces headache, anxiety, increased blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, and teeth grinding.
Leisure and recreation activities can also help you reduce stress very well. Find activities that make you feel comfortable, such as listening to music, watching art performances, comedy, hot baths, etc.

Panic Attacks Can Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

MSc. Pham Tran Hoang.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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