Paradox Mother Elected To Overweight Fetus Is Still Deficient

A paradox occurs for many pregnant women are overweight but the fetus is still deficient, at risk of developmental delay. Why is that and how to fix it?
According to the statistics of researchers, the situation of overweight pregnant women who have to be emergency due to fetal poisoning accounts for about 7-8% of pregnant women examined. The original cause of this condition is thought to be because the pregnant woman eats a lot and overweight.
The fetus is susceptible to illness when the mother overweight
The situation of pregnant women gaining excess weight 15 - 25kg, giving birth to malnourished children (under 2.5kg) is quite common now

. According to obstetricians, women often think that the more you eat, the better your baby will develop but this is actually the cause of a range of risks:
Premature birth;
Normally, during pregnancy, the mother should only gain about 9 - 12 kg but if the weight is over 15kg, the pregnant woman should pay attention and regularly go for prenatal check-up. For women who gain weight too quickly but have high blood pressure, symptoms of edema, proteinuria

Paradox Mother Elected To Overweight Fetus Is Still Deficient

. will be the factors that threaten the development of the fetus, heavier can cause stillbirth.
Even for pregnant women who do not have cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, kidney ... but if from 6 months onwards increase by about 10 kg also be cautious because it can cause high blood pressure, diabetes and easy birth young. This is also in the causes of fetal malnutrition

Statistics show that gestational diabetes occurs in about 5-10% of pregnant women, most of which appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Paradox Mother Elected To Overweight Fetus Is Still Deficient

Similarly, pregnancy hypertension is a syndrome that includes hypertension, proteinuria and edema, occurring in about 7-8% of pregnant women and usually in the last 3 months of pregnancy. This condition reduces the amount of blood to the uterus resulting in a nutrient deficient fetus.
Mothers pregnant improper weight gain leads to many risks during pregnancy
Why do you eat a lot, I still lack substance?
According to nutrition experts, the cause of this condition may be because the mother eats a lot, but not eating enough nutrients, which leads to the fetus being deficient in micronutrients, retarded.
In addition, iron deficiency anemia is also a factor that makes the pregnancy of the mother ineffective, babies are prone to infections, low intelligence index.
Meanwhile, in our country anemia in pregnant women is quite common. This is the reason why mothers are susceptible to infections, miscarriage, premature birth, hemorrhage at birth, making fetuses less developed, increasing the risk of death for both mothers and children.
In addition, the fact that the pregnant woman gains weight quickly but the fetus is still malnourished may be caused by other causes such as the fetus is wrapped up in the neck, or the uterus of the small mother does not have enough space for the fetus to develop.
Another reason is that women tend to take vitamins too early.

Paradox Mother Elected To Overweight Fetus Is Still Deficient

The fact that pregnant women take too much calcium leads to not only an increased risk of kidney stones and clogged milk, but also premature calcification of the placenta and poor fetal performance.
Therefore, doctors recommend that when pregnant in the middle of the period should start taking vitamins, but it is best through diet, if you have to take multivitamins, need to follow your doctor's instructions.
Pregnant women eat improperly is the cause of deficiency in the fetus
Balanced nutrition for mothers and unborn babies
In order for pregnant women to gain weight appropriately and the fetus is still developing well, women should supplement with proper nutrition according to the diet for pregnant women:
Eat many meals a day, not just three meals;
Eat a variety of foods to meet the most essential nutritional needs;
In order to have enough nutrients and health, women should increase their diet more than before before eating, but not eating 2 times;
Eat protein-rich foods like meat, fish, shrimp, crabs, eggs, milk, beans;
If yes, drink 2 glasses of milk a day. Fat should use vegetable oil and eat only moderately;
Do not eat too much sweetener;
Pregnant women should eat more vegetables and fruits to avoid constipation and hemorrhoids, while promoting health;
Pregnant women also do not forget to drink water, at least 2-3 liters of water per day.
Good food for pregnant women
Pregnant women gain weight how is reasonable?
Experts claim that the "standard" weight gain during pregnancy is reasonable
From 9kg -12 kg is the normal increase;
Thin women need to gain weight between 13kg-18kg;
Slightly fat women should increase weight to about 7kg - 11kg.
Standard weight for each quarter:
First quarter: 1.3 kg - 2.2 kg;
Quarter II: 0.

Paradox Mother Elected To Overweight Fetus Is Still Deficient

5 kg- 0.8 kg / week;
Third quarter: 0.5 kg - 0.8 kg / week./..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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