Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease (VVC) is a common gynecological pathology in women of childbearing age. This is a clinical syndrome caused by an infection of the uterus, uterus, ovaries, peritoneal peritoneum and nearby organs. The majority of VVC cases are due to the spread of a previous infection in the vagina, cervix.
Risk factors and causes
The risk factors for VVC include: women of childbearing age, having early relationships and relationships with many partners, who have a history of cervical mucous inflammation of pus with incompletely treated, recurrent . In addition, abortion procedures, procedures on the vagina, cervix, also create favorable conditions for bacteria to develop and cause disease
Most cases of sexually transmitted infections are neisseria gonorrheae and chlamydia trachomatis. However, in rare cases the cause may be caused by other bacteria present in the vagina such as gardnerella vaginalis, haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma hominis, ureaplasma urealyticum Group A streptococci, Peumococci and other types of bacilli intestine.
Signs of identification
Depending on the pathogen, the degree of infection and the body's resistance, clinical signs in VVC vary widely from person to person

In severe cases, patients complain of lower abdominal pain, intermittent or dull aches, vaginal white blood is more intense and smelly with changes in color of white, blue or yellow blood. Signs of fever above 38oC, body chills, tired people. When having sex, there is a lot of pain, more pain when pressing on the lower stomach.
The determination of VVC is based on the following symptoms: abdominal pain, cervical pain at vaginal examination and pain when examining two appendages (including the ovaries, ovaries, right and left sides). In addition, blood tests, leukocytes increased by 10,000 mm
Progression of the disease
In cases of untreated or inadequately treated VVC can cause pelvic abscess, usually an abscess in the ovarian canal, but a few other cases may be abscess. in the small intestine, large intestine or appendix. Abscess block can burst into the abdomen causing peritonitis
Some cases of VVC leave sequelae of persistent chronic pelvic pain caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrheae and chlamydia trachomatis both have molecules capable of binding to receptors of the genital epithelial cells, and they secret endotoxins injure a series of hairs of the oviduct of the ovaries to cause sticky fibrosis, which affects the conception of the patient leading to infertility and the possibility of future ectopic pregnancy complications.

The treatment of VVC is mainly medical treatment with appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotics, requiring early treatment and continually having the chance to avoid the sequelae of VVC. All treatment regimens must be effective for both neisseria gonorrheae and chlamydia trachomatis. For mild forms, can be treated at home. However, with severe illness, hospitalization is required.
The standard of inpatient hospital treatment includes the following situations: young patients under the age of 18, when determining VVC without excluding other surgical conditions such as appendicitis; sick people are pregnant; outpatients did not achieve results, were accompanied by a high fever of 39 ° C or an increase in leukocyte blood test by 15,000 mm3 and abdominal and vaginal examination with appendage abscess.
Home treatment for outpatient mild treatment: ofloxacin 400mg plus flagyl 500mg, used continuously for 14 days or cifixime 400mg combined doxycyclin 100mg and flagyl 500mg, used continuously for 14 days. Need to combine painkillers, support, rest and adequate nutrition.
Inpatient drugs, the use of high-dose systemic antibiotics should be prescribed by a specialist.

In the event of complication of ovarian abscess and unresponsive antibiotics, surgical removal of abscess and abdominal drainage will be required.
The majority of sexually transmitted infections in general and VVC in particular spread through sexual contact depending on many factors such as culture, economy, society. Therefore, to prevent genital infections, it is necessary to pay attention to the following measures:
- Propagating education and health information, especially for young people, about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Promoting the family foundation, propagating the life of a husband and wife This is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
- For suspicious relationships, must know how to prevent yourself and your contacts. Using condoms is the most effective method.
- Women when using, gynecological cleaners must be properly, according to the instructions on each bottle of detergent, note not douching into the vagina but only washing the vulva only, douching into the vagina will disturb the vaginal environment to create conditions k.

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