Penis Wound

Penis wound (VT) is a fairly rare injury. In daily life, VTDV is often the result of a victim cutting himself or being cut by someone due to jealousy, in addition to a traffic accident or a labor accident. Successful penis restoration (DV) treatment depends on the time the patient is with the physician.
VTDV is divided into 2 groups: VT severed DV and VTDV.
VT severed DV this group of common causes in daily life and in the age of sexual activity, manually cut with a knife or others used a scalpel

Causes of self-cutting encountered in cases of self-sadness, sadness of family stories, mental illness. Other people cut most DV due to jealousy or hatred.
VTDV: this is a group of uncommon causes such as being bitten by a dog in a baby because an adult has a habit of putting the baby in the house, the dog is around and suddenly jumping into the wrong DV of the child, because pigs bite when catching pigs; or children tie an elastic band to the DV and forget about causing DV necrosis

Also due to traffic accidents, labor accidents, VT due to gas.

Penis Wound

Most of the causes of VTDV are accompanied by other accompanying lesions in the groin area.
Implementing the quadrants
It is often easy to spot local signs of pain and do a physical exam to look for lesions. In case of severed DV, urinary retention symptoms, intense bleeding at the amputation amputation.
Need to determine the extent of combined damage and exploration of other organs, especially in the case of ruptured VTDV such as rectum, bladder, scrotum and testes and other VTs to avoid omission.

This is an emergency Urology need urgent and timely surgery, especially in the case of VT fractured DV. The purpose of service recovery ensures the function of the service.
In case of complete amputation, late arrival and loss of cut-off segment: economical truncation, amputation, stitching of the urethra head cut out of the skin to prevent the urethra tip from receding and narrow down gradually

Transfer urine temporarily by opening the bladder to the skin until the scar ends.

Penis Wound

Recreate new services.
In the case of a cut-off, early arrival, a sharp cut and the patient carrying the cut. In these cases, it is necessary to connect DV and bladder drainage.
An external catheter should be inserted to serve as a bore for scarring, urethral dilatation several times in the cut area after scarring.
The case caused by DV band causes swelling, bruising, in this case, the patient has complete urinary retention. Place bladder drainage to the skin, using all means to remove the elastic band.
For VTDV smashed, need to cut filter to save healthy tissue, hemostasis carefully. Change the flow of urine temporarily so that the skin is healed.

Penis Wound

Check and spy on nearby agencies to detect the accompanying injuries, avoid missing out.
Careful combination of VT. High dose antibiotics, parenteral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Preventing VTDV
When an accident occurs, the patient should be transferred as soon as possible, keeping the cut DV in cold ice after washing with clean water.
This is a rare VT but it leaves a very heavy burden on the patient and has a significant impact on the quality of life.
Propagating family happiness education is essential. Avoid carelessness, participate in traffic carefully, avoid labor accidents and should have labor protection while working..

Penis Wound

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