Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

During pregnancy, many pregnant women struggled with digestive disorders. It greatly affects the life and health of the pregnant mother, making her extremely uncomfortable.
Cause of digestive disorders
A digestive disorder is an abnormal digestive system condition, which makes it harder to consume and absorb food. Gastrointestinal disorders manifested by symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, anorexia .

For pregnant women, this condition can have many causes, but mainly due to hormonal changes and due to the larger size of the fetus.
Hormonal changes
During pregnancy, the level of hormones in the body of the pregnant woman changes
Maternal Progesterone content increased, reducing intestinal motility.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

The cause of slow digesting food and constipation is the most obvious consequence.
Constipation is very common in most pregnant women, making her extremely uncomfortable. This condition affects both the ability to absorb nutrients for the body as well as affect the daily life of the mother.
In addition, increased levels of the hormone progesterone will reduce the movement of the valves connecting the esophagus and stomach. This causes food and stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus and causes bloating, belching, and indigestion common to pregnant women.
Internal physical changes as the uterus grows
Over time, the fetus will grow bigger and bigger. From there, the uterus size also increases proportionally to be able to cover the fetus

As the uterus size increases, it will compress other internal organs.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

At this time, the large intestine is constricted, the small intestine is pushed up making constipation more and more, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Pregnant women are very vulnerable subjects
Use of medication
During pregnancy, pregnant women are usually prescribed to take some medicines to help provide necessary nutrients for the developing fetus. Among them, iron is a drug that very few pregnant women ignore, to help prevent nutritional anemia.
The iron supplements work well and are essential for the fetus but it also causes side effects, typically making pregnant women constipated.
The body is more sensitive
During pregnancy, hormonal changes, the mother's body becomes more sensitive to external factors.
At this time, most pregnant women will be more sensitive to food, especially contaminated foods. This is the cause of maternal digestive disorders, which is most evident in diarrhea.
In addition, some pregnant women are unable to absorb the lactose in the types of milk for pregnant women, leading to diarrhea.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

Other causes
In addition to the objective reasons mentioned above, there are many subjective reasons that make pregnant women suffer from digestive disorders. Being sedentary and exercising less is also the reason why mom has this condition.
The mothers eat less fiber, eat strange foods also cause constipation, diarrhea ...
Symptoms of digestive disorders in pregnant women and how to cope
During pregnancy, women often eat what they feel like. However, the digestive system is not always good. Here are helpful tips to deal with symptoms of digestive disorders in pregnant women:
Nausea, vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are a common sign during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

You should eat small portions of food throughout the day, every 2 hours (or longer) with a small meal. But you need to avoid falling into a habit of eating more, especially candy because this will lead to imbalance in the diet.
Gastrointestinal disorders affecting the health of pregnant women
Craving or anorexia
During pregnancy, intense or frightening cravings with some foods are quite common. You should eat the foods you crave while avoiding foods that make you nauseous. But still need to ensure balanced nutrition, avoiding deficiencies.
Heartburn is a common digestive problem in pregnant women. The following tips help you avoid heartburn:
- Never be hungry, need to eat less but eat evenly.
- Stay away from acidic foods.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

- Avoid plant fibers in leeks, asparagus, vegetables and dried fruits.
- Avoid coffee, tea, pepper, mustard and spices.
Slow pepper
Constipation is a typical digestive disorder and is very common in pregnant women. Here are some tips on how to avoid "apples":
- Consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables, apples and prunes.
- Eat light laxatives for breakfast (wheat, orange juice).
- Drink enough water.
Effective method of improving digestive disorders
Digestive disorders significantly affect the daily life of the mother. This condition can also affect the health of the mother and threaten the nutrition of the fetus.

Pregnant Women And Digestive Disorders

Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to preventing digestive disorders to protect the health of both mother and child. Please refer to some precautions below:
Drink a lot of water
Not only pregnant women, but everyone should drink enough water every day for the body to function normally.
To limit the digestive disorders, pregnant women should enter the body with plenty of water. Mom can drink water or juice.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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