Premature Ovarian Failure In Women
Premature ovarian failure is one of the causes of infertility in women. In the long run, this disease will affect both physically and mentally for women.
What is early ovarian failure?
Premature ovarian failure is a condition of ovarian inactivation in women after puberty and before age 40, the common manifestation of menstrual irregularities such as menopause or lack of periods leads to a decrease in reproduction.
Women who experience natural menopause rarely see periods again, but women with early ovarian failure may return to menopause despite irregularities. Natural menopause is not possible, but in some cases, premature ovarian failure can still get pregnant
Causes of premature ovarian failure
Immune factor
Most autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune thyroiditis (a disease caused by the body's own production of antibodies that gradually destroy its thyroid) can be accompanied by early ovarian failure. So if you have thyroid problems, be aware of this risk.
Premature ovarian failure due to disease treatment
Women who have both sides removed or have one ovary may have an impaired function of the ovaries causing premature ovarian failure before age 40
Idiopathic ovarian failure
Sudden menstruation is also one of the most important causes of premature ovarian failure, it often develops in women of childbearing age, clinically manifested as less menstrual periods, which can lead to death. menopause (menopause), and menopausal symptoms such as: frustration, irritability, vaginal dryness, etc.
In young people, irregular menstruation, even menstrual periods for a long time without going to see a doctor, until getting married forever pregnant not discovered. If the function of the ovary is impaired early but not treated promptly, to have a period, there may be symptoms such as: osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of fat metabolism.
Viral infection
The viruses that cause diseases such as the herpes simplex virus (HSV), the mumps virus can cause ovarian inflammation or autoimmune ovaries that damage the ovaries causing premature ovarian failure.
The rate of infertility among women is now high, many people resort to ovulation stimulation to increase the chances of being pregnant, but once those stimuli cause complications, it is very effective. Harm to ovaries
Infertility and infertility are becoming a concern for many couples
Excessive weight loss
Excess weight loss causes the body's fat content to drop "rapidly", when the percentage of fat is too low, which will affect the amount of estrogen in the body, because fat is a key component to make estrogen. , insufficient body fat, will make estrogen deficiency, lack of estrogen can cause menstrual disorders, even cause menstruation, but menstruation suppresses the ovulation function of the ovaries, making function easier Premature ovarian failure, if not treated promptly, can lead to infertility.
Premature ovarian failure can make menstrual disorders worse, thus creating a malignant, vicious cycle that will seriously affect health and pregnancy.
Bad living habits
Unhealthy living habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol can also cause premature ovarian failure, because nicotine in cigarettes and the alcohol content of alcohol can disrupt menstruation.
The mental pressure is too great
Modern women also engage in fierce competition, which makes them more likely to experience excessive stress, which can eventually impair plant nerve function, affecting the endocrine regulation in the body reduces premature ovarian function, reduces the hormone estrogen that makes menopause come early.
Identify early ovarian failure
The most common symptom of the disease is irregular menstruation. Sometimes not paying attention to this phenomenon and thinking that it is due to stress.
Some women with early ovarian failure have other symptoms similar to natural menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, difficulty concentrating, low interest in sex, pain during sex, dry vagina, loss of fertility, urinary disorders (frequent urination, urination .
Early ovarian failure due to reduced hormone levels may lead to a number of conditions including stress, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, and heart disease (due to hormonal changes that lead to an increased risk of developing heart disease). later),… affect the health of women.
In the late stages, many people also suffer from hypotension and darkening of the skin ...
If the disease is not detected promptly, when an incident requires surgery, the patient easily falls into a dangerous situation.
Methods of treatment of early ovarian failure
There is currently no method to restore the normal functioning of the ovaries in the treatment of premature ovarian failure but can only treat some symptoms.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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