Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

Sunshine allergy is a condition in which the skin is irritated under the effects of the sun. This is a fairly common disease with mild to severe manifestations such as rashes, rashes, blisters, etc. that occur on the skin after exposure to the sun.
The same exposure to the sun but why allergy occurs only in some people? It is now thought that this problem may be related to genes. Most people who are allergic to sunlight suffer in the fall, summer and when the sun's intensity is strongest

. However, in some severe cases, patients suffer from even in the winter, even allergic to light indoors.
Types of allergy to sunlight
There are four types of sun allergy. The first is a symptom of a polymorphous rash after a few minutes to a few hours of sun exposure
Initially appears rashes, rash with white or yellow morphology on the background of red inflammation.

Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

Flat plaques may progress to a wide range, which is sometimes referred to as "sun poisoning". Symptoms will disappear after a while without sun exposure and this is the most common form of sun allergy, usually occurs during autumn.
Photodermatitis is common in children or young people. Symptoms include itchy patches on the skin that spread to areas not exposed to the sun. The nodules may swell and then ulcerate, even causing cracks on the lips, cheeks, neck, arms and possibly scarring. In general, symptoms appear in the summer and subside on autumn.
Chronic photochemical dermatitis is a dry, itchy lumpy patches on the surface of the skin
Lesions are usually on the face, scalp, neck, neck, upper chest, back of the arms, hands.

Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

In the middle of the lesion there may be healthy skin and sometimes symptoms appear on the palm of the hand or the leg. The manifestations of chronic photochemical dermatitis are similar to those of contact dermatitis, which can sometimes lead to misdiagnoses.
Sun rash starts after a few minutes of sun exposure. Skin lesions are patches of rash, itching and blisters. This type of damage can occur both in the skin and without being exposed to the sun. This type of allergy to sunlight is common in middle age and gets better after stopping sun exposure.
Causes and risk factors
Why can sunlight cause allergies? Scientists think that ultraviolet rays in the sun are the culprits. When ultraviolet light penetrates the skin, it damages cells and alters the properties of some proteins in the cell.

Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

The protein, after being changed physical and chemical properties will become "strange protein" or antigens to the body.
Therefore, the body's immune system produces antibodies to fight off and an allergic reaction occurs. Certain medications, chemicals (such as shampoos, cancer treatment chemicals, etc.) or medical conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus may increase photosensitivity to the skin, aggravating or exiting show allergy to sunlight.
Some risk factors for sun allergy include race (like the Caucasian people, who suffer from polymorphic sun allergy, while photochemical pruritus is more common in indigenous people). Americas); history of exposure to certain cosmetic and antiseptic agents before exposure to sunlight; Using some drugs also increases the risk of allergy to sunlight such as anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, tetracycline antibiotics ...

Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

The risk of sun allergy will increase if the patient has a history of contact dermatitis or a family of close relatives with sun allergy.
Treatment and prevention
Treatment for a sun allergy includes topical and topical corticosteroids and antihistamines when symptoms are present. Ultraviolet phototherapy can be used on areas at high risk of sun exposure so that the skin gets used to the sun.
Preventive measures include avoiding direct sunlight, always avoiding dry skin by using appropriate creams, and using sun-protective measures such as wearing sunglasses, wearing sunscreen. ... when I have to go out.

Prevent Allergy Caused By Sunlight

When you have shown signs of allergy to the sun, you need to go to the health facility for examination and specific advice on how to prevent this disease.
Doctor, Doctor Vu Duc (According to Health and Human Services).

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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