Prostate Hypertrophy

The main function is the production of fluids - the medium that transports sperm and creates semen. The gland usually develops at puberty, by about 20-25 years of age it begins to stabilize. However, by the age of 40, there is a tendency to grow larger, called prostatic hypertrophy.
Who is susceptible to prostatic hypertrophy?
The incidence and severity of the disease usually increases with age. According to experts, up to 45-70% of men aged 45-75 suffer from this disease, the higher the age, the greater the incidence of the disease

. According to statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 50% of men aged 60-70 years have TTL fibroids, up to 88% in 80 years of age.
In addition, the disease is common in people who previously had stressful lives, had a habit of not drinking enough water, polluted environment, abused alcohol, coffee, cigarettes .

Prostate Hypertrophy

, had diseases on the urinary tract (especially cystitis is not treated properly), endocrine disorders such as diabetes, thyroid disease ...
How to detect disease
The disease is usually divided into 3 stages:
- Phase 1: There is no physical damage, so urinating is difficult, there is a feeling of urination but it is possible to urinate forever, the urine flow is weak, small, sometimes painful. Pee many times at night.
- Phase 2: This phase has hurt, difficulty urinating several times, urinating incontinence during sleep. Even in daytime, you have urine leakage
Urine residues on 100ml.

Prostate Hypertrophy

There are signs of urinary tract infections due to stagnation of urine.
- Stage 3: This stage has affected the kidney function and the adaptation of the body greatly reduced, the amount of residual urine increased, the urinary tract infection situation was more severe. Increased difficulty urinating, sometimes urinating several times, always feeling sad to urinate. Besides, there are symptoms of kidney failure such as nausea, poor appetite, fatigue.
However, the progression of these three stages is not always in the order of appearance, it depends on factors: the growth of the gland, the adaptation of the body and the way of life of each person. However, at any stage of the disease, acute urinary retention can occur and patients must be emergency.
Is prostatic hypertrophy related to cancer?
Normal prostate size remains stable 20g. When it is enlarged (enlargement of the prostate gland) over 20g may not need surgical intervention.

Prostate Hypertrophy

Size 70g or more may require surgical intervention.
Enlargement of the prostate gland is not so dangerous, there are many drugs that can significantly improve the urinary disorder of the patient, as well as many interventions but need to be detected early and treated promptly. complications such as bladder stones, repeated urinary tract infections, chronic urinary retention, impaired renal function ... and possibly kidney failure.
Prostate hypertrophy and prostate cancer are unrelated, but these two diseases can appear in the elderly together. When you see signs of the disease need to see a specialist is timely examination and treatment.

Prostate Hypertrophy

Should self-treatment?
There are many methods of treatment, after the patient is examined, tested and diagnosed, the doctor will advise whether medical treatment or surgery (medication or surgery) is required.
Medical treatment such as: using folk remedies such as war grass, psyllium…; physical methods such as dilatation of the prostate urethra ... In general, depending on the condition of the patient, the size of the tumor and whether the tumor has any complications ... the doctor will have the appropriate treatment.

Prostate Hypertrophy

. Absolutely do not buy drugs and self-treatment at home, the disease is worse, even dangerous to health and life..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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