Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

Rickets are common in children younger than 3 years of age, because at this age the skeletal system is thriving. The consequences of rickets often adversely affect a child's physical, mental and motor development and can cause bone deformity and death from bacterial infections, especially pneumonia.
How to detect children with rickets
Early manifestations of rickets are fussy, vomiting, sleepless sleep, sweating, hair loss behind the head.
Without treatment, symptoms begin to appear after a few weeks. Depending on the age of the child with rickets, bone changes often vary

- In young children, you can feel the soft skull bone, because of the lying position, the head is easily distorted, flat head behind or on one side. The fontanelle is wide and wide, the soft fontanelle is soft, the head is big with a tumor, the teeth grow slowly, the enamel is bad.
- Older children often have changes in the ribcage, ribs
The bones only appear wrist cuffs.

Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

The muscles that make children slow to crawl, crawl, sit, stand, walk.
Children with rickets
If not treated promptly will leave sequelae in the skeletal system. The chest is deformed, the chest is as large as the front of the chicken, the scoliosis is hunched, the limbs are arched, the legs are bowed (the letter O) or the legs are the letters bowl (the letter X), the pelvis is narrow.
Bone deformities reduce a child's height, restrict breathing function, change gait and adversely affect childbirth later in girls. In addition, children also become pale anemia and pneumonia repeated.
Causes rickets
Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D. When vitamin D deficiency reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine, the body mobilizes calcium from the bones into the bloodstream, resulting in disorders of bone mineralization

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found in animal foods such as liver, fish, eggs, milk .

Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

.. but the main source is the body synthesizing vitamin D from precursor vitamin D under the skin under the photo-effect. chemical of ultraviolet sunlight.
Risk factors for rickets:
Lack of sunlight
Due to geographical factors, climate, winter, foggy mountains, abstinence practices of indoor childcare, cramped housing, and environmental pollution all limit skin exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin D deficiency in the mother during pregnancy
Newborns rely mainly on the amount of vitamin D stored by the placenta, in breast milk. Therefore, if lack of vitamin D, calcium in pregnant mothers easily makes children with rickets early.
Lack of vitamin D will cause rickets in children
Due to the nutrition of children
Breast-fed infants are more prone to rickets than breastfed babies, although the vitamin D content in both types of milk is low (10-20 units / 100ml), but vitamin D in breast milk is more easily absorbed, billion suitable calcium / phosphorus ratio.

Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

However, a single source of breast milk cannot be used to prevent rickets.
Children should be supplemented early with flour, fish sauce, salt, MSG, and children are prone to rickets because there are many phytic acids in the dough that reduce the absorption of vitamin D, calcium in the intestine.
Nutritional status of children
Low birth weight (less than 2500 mg) or rickets caused by the body not storing enough mineral salts and vitamin D during pregnancy, and the enzyme system involved in vitamin D metabolism is weak.
Malnourished children often have malabsorption of nutrients including vitamin D, calcium, and enzyme deficiency in vitamin D.
Diseases: Prolonged diarrhea, intestinal parasite infection, cholangitis, etc. all affect the absorption of vitamin D, which is prone to rickets.
Prevention and treatment of rickets
Rickets is a preventable and inexpensive disease because our country has sunshine all year round. In addition, the following should be noted:
- During pregnancy, the mother should sunbathe by walking outdoors to receive vitamin D, and eating enough food to prevent preterm birth and fetal malnutrition.

Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

- Babies after birth need to be breastfed immediately, breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months, from 6 months and up to start supplementary feeding, paying attention to adding grease, greens.
- Children's room should be cool with lots of light. From the first month after birth, both mother and baby need to be sunbathed, taking care not to get the baby cold or too hot, just expose the legs to the skin of the baby exposed to the sun. Older children can sunbathe in the morning, increasing time from 5 to 20 minutes.
To prevent rickets in children need adequate vitamin D intake
- For children who are less exposed to the sun, low birth weight (less than 2500 g), from the second week should be given vitamin D (400 units / day), drink continuously in the first year.
- If the child has rickets, then give vitamin D 2000 - 4000 units / day for 6 - 8 weeks. Avoid high doses of vitamin D that can cause poisoning. When children with vitamin D poisoning often manifest vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, constipation or diarrhea .

Rickets In Children Due To Vitamin D Deficiency

.. These symptoms will go away when stopped taking vitamin D.
In some cases, prolonged vitamin D overdose increases blood calcium and vascular calcification causing kidney stones.
- Children rickets due to vitamin D deficiency often lacking in calcium, need for children to drink calcium 0.5 - 1g / day.
- In addition, it is also necessary for children to sunbathe in combination with a diet full of energy protein and micro.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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