Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

During pregnancy, if the pregnant woman has rubella, it can cause the fetus to have birth defects. Therefore, rubella vaccination before pregnancy is the most optimal solution to prevent.
Symptoms of rubella disease
Rubella is a benign typhus. The disease can occur in both adults and children. The disease is not too dangerous, but for pregnant women, special attention is needed because it can cause birth defects, especially when the mother is infected in the first 3 months of pregnancy

Rubella symptoms usually appear 14 to 21 days after infection. The rash is the most obvious sign of rubella disease. However, it is not too clear for pregnant women and can easily be confused with pregnancy allergies
The rash usually appears on the face first and then moves to the torso and limbs.

Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

In addition, pregnant women also see some other symptoms, including:
Stuffy nose, runny nose
Red eyes, inflammation
Swollen glands in the neck or behind the ears
The rash is not clear in pregnant women, so when experiencing the above signs, women are not subjective, but need to see a doctor immediately so as not to affect the health of the mother and baby.
Stuffy nose can also be one of the symptoms of Rubella
Complications of Rubella if not treated early
Rubella is not very dangerous for people who have it but for pregnant women it is really serious.
In the first 3 months of pregnancy, if a mother is infected with Rubella, it is more likely to cause miscarriage or stillbirth in the cervix. If the fetus is still developing, the fetus will have a high risk of birth defects right in the womb.
For children whose mothers are infected with Rubella, they are usually not born as normal as other children. Children are often underweight, grow slowly, teething. In addition, they are accompanied by other birth defects such as cataracts (one or both sides), corneal opaque, children may be dumb, deaf, mental retardation

Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

According to many studies, if a mother has Rubella in the first 3 months of pregnancy, up to 90% of cases will spread the disease to the fetus. In particular, up to 70-100% of children with congenital rubella and 25% of children with birth defects in organs such as the heart, eyes, brain are very dangerous. If a mother is infected with Rubella between 13 and 16 weeks of pregnancy, the chance of the baby getting the disease decreases to 17%. Between 17 and 20 weeks, only 5% of babies will get the disease and if from 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards, that rate drops to 0%.
Rubella pregnant women can cause birth defects
These complications are very dangerous for the fetus, so mothers should pay special attention and not subjective to the manifestations of the aforementioned disease.
Rubella's transmission route
Rubella disease only manifests in people. The virus is found everywhere in the world, irrespective of country or race.

Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

The disease usually occurs in winter and spring. In the summer and autumn, some people are infected but in small numbers.
Humans are the only reservoir of Rubella virus and infected people are the only source of infection for others. The highest possibility of transmission is during the period of rash. And the most contagious place is the crowded area, the public places because the disease spreads easily through the respiratory tract.
Some common routes of transmission of Rubella:
Spreads through saliva in the air when a patient coughs, sneezes, spits: The drops containing the Rubella virus are released into the environment and easily spread to others when they inhale the virus.
Mother-to-blood transmission: If a pregnant woman is infected with Rubella, the chance of transmitting it to the fetus is very high. When the fetus is infected with rubella virus, they can die in the womb.

Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

If the fetus is still alive, the possibility of them having birth defects such as cerebral palsy, blindness, heart damage ... is very large.
Infections from babies with Rubella: With babies whose mothers were infected with Rubella during pregnancy, they can also have congenital rubella. These children's oropharyngeal secretions contain Rubella virus. It is also a source of infection for people who have close contact with children. This likelihood of infection usually lasts 1 year or more from birth.

Rubella Infection During Pregnancy: Removed Or Kept?

However, Rubella is benign and after healing, the patient will have sustained immunity.
Preventing Rubella with vaccination
Rubella is a serious disease for pregnant women because it affects the fetus directly and the best way to prevent it is to get vaccinated.
Rubella vaccination is the most effective preventive measure available today
Vaccination with rubella helps reduce motivation, build a strong immune system for at least 16 years, sometimes for life. The age of vaccination starting is children from 12 to 15 months of age and again when 4-6 years old. Women of reproductive age receive a single dose and should receive the Rubella vaccine 3 months before becoming pregnant. It should be noted, absolutely not to use Rubella vaccine for pregnant women or people who can conceive within 1 month after injection because this is a live attenuated vaccine capable of transmitting disease to the fetus Children.
The schedule for chickenpox vaccination when children are 12 months old p.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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