Should Injections To Beautify The Skin?

Many people, including some therapists, are very willing to use injectable vitamin to whiten and beautiful skin. This creates many potential risks.
There are many people who do not consider food sources, especially vegetables and fruits, to be a rich and safe natural source of vitamins and only use drugs. Many people, including some therapists, are very arbitrary to use injectable vitamins to whiten, beautiful skin. Some even asked a nurse to find Laroscorbine (vitamin C) mixed with Bpanthne (vitamin B5 or dexpanthenol) and intravenously for the sole reason of "beautifying the skin

Most recently, online and in turn-based trading, people exaggerated the "excellent" whitening effect of injectable preparations containing vitamin C in combination with other substances such as glutathione, alpha lipoic acid (ALA). , collagen (such as preparations called Biome G Alpha, Aqua skin EGF-Whitening .

Should Injections To Beautify The Skin?

). Glutathione is a substance secreted by the liver that has an antioxidant effect that helps the body detoxify. ALA is a fatty acid in the body that converts glucose into energy and is also an antioxidant. And collagen is actually protein (protein) in the fibrous connective tissue of mammals.
In humans, collagen accounts for more than 25% of the total protein in the body. Its function is to connect tissues in the body together, collagen is abundant in the dermis of the skin and helps the skin to both smooth and elastic. Combining vitamin C, glutathione, ALA are antioxidants, who think it will neutralize free radicals that damage many things, including free radicals that cause skin aging, and add collagen to make the skin
Fresh, firm.

Should Injections To Beautify The Skin?

However, at present, there is no scientific research to verify whether the combination of intravenous or intramuscular administration has been effective or not.
If we carefully analyze the use of vitamins or the combination of intravenous and intravenous preparations, we find that it is only more dangerous than gaining some health benefit.
First of all, we need to know that injectable drug is a form of sterile drug used to inject into the body. The main feature just shows that injectable form is not always perfect, besides some advantages compared to oral medicine, it also has many disadvantages. The disadvantages of the injectable form must be noted as follows:
Injecting drugs requires proper equipment such as syringes, needles, infusion, must have a set of lines and must be absolutely sterile. If not sterile, there is a risk of infection (such as abscess, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C infection).
Injections, especially intravenous drugs, have a fast and fully absorbed effect, so if there is a mistake, it is harmful, even life-threatening if the substance has many toxic properties. Usually collagen is obtained from pig or cow skin, must go through very strict quality checks.

Should Injections To Beautify The Skin?

If collagen is not of good quality and given by injection, it is very harmful
Injectable drugs cause systemic reactions (anaphylactic shock) or topical reactions when the body is intolerant. It should be noted vitamin C, ALA, glutathione, collagen when injected especially intravenously are at risk of anaphylactic shock.
Next, so far, the manufacturers Laroscorbine and Bepanthen have never announced that the two drugs undergo clinical trials to show that when mixed intravenously will lead to the effect "skin beauty" or bring to a certain health benefit. Laroscorbine is available as an intravenous drug and is indicated for severe vitamin C deficiency (Scorbut disease), adjuvant treatment in severe illness, such as prolonged infection and fever (in dengue fever), or in sugar gastrointestinal, gastrectomy and impaired absorption function (can not be drunk but injected). Because of concerns about intravenous injection may cause some people accept pain and intramuscular injection of Laroscorbine (vitamin C is acidic nature, so it is easy to hurt when intramuscular injection). Bpanthne is also available in intramuscular or intravenous form and is indicated for use in combination with Biotin (vitamin H) in the treatment of localized or diffuse hair loss (rather than beautifying the skin). Also combining vitamin C, glutathione, ALA are antioxidants along with collagen. Currently there is no scientific research to verify whether intravenous or intramuscular administration has a "miraculous" effect on skin whitening.

Should Injections To Beautify The Skin?

skin. Only the combination of injecting drugs is only a very high risk of injection accident..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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