Sleep Habits Affect Health

However, the quality of sleep is extremely important. To get a good night's sleep, you need to avoid the following bad habits.
1. Sleep in a face-to-face position
This is the sleeping position of many people, especially couples or between parents and children. However, this is the most "unsanitary" sleeping posture because when we sleep face to face, we will accidentally inhale cabonic gas exhaled by the opposite person

This leads to the lack of oxygen in the brain, people do not sleep deep, easy to wake up, startled, dreamy or wake up always feel tired, headache. Best, choose a "private world" when you sleep. If you share a bed with another person, turn in two different directions


Sleep Habits Affect Health

Wear jewelry when you sleep
Many women often have the psychology of "afraid" of removing jewelry when going to bed. Most jewelry is made of metal. When sleeping, they come in contact with and rub against the skin, increasing the risk of skin allergies. Some jewelry emits luminescent at night that contains radium, a metallic element that emits light, but in small quantities, it will gradually harm the body. In addition, wearing jewelry when sleeping will interfere with blood circulation and metabolism in the body, accelerating the body's aging process.
3. Open your mouth to sleep
Normally we all breathe through our nose
Breathing through the nose helps create pressure feedback so the lungs have more time to absorb oxygen and balance blood pH.

Sleep Habits Affect Health

The habit of breathing in the mouth ignoring the reflexes can lead to sleep apnea syndrome or other cardiovascular problems. When breathing through the mouth, the brain thinks that the body loses carbon dioxide too quickly, the brain is sensitive to this condition and inhibits the respiratory center.
In addition, when breathing through the mouth, the airflow straight into the throat and lungs are not "filtered" so it is easy to cause sore throat. Long-term blood pressure can be changed; insomnia, voice changes or serious respiratory diseases. Give up your oral breathing habits today. If, for some reason, you have to use your mouth to breathe, see a doctor for advice on treatment.
4. Wear a bra when you sleep
Research shows that women who wear bras more than 12 hours a day have a 21-fold higher risk of breast cancer, especially those who wear bras when sleeping.

Sleep Habits Affect Health

Wearing a bra during sleep, especially a tight bra, causes blood vessels not to circulate, and wastes that are not released will accumulate for a long time to cause breast cancer.
In addition, most bras nowadays are made from chemical fibers. These fibers in contact with skin will cause allergies. So, it is best for women to remove bras at bedtime, choose bras made from natural fibers. Try to minimize the time to wear a bra every day and regularly massage your breasts every day to stimulate blood circulation in the chest.
5. Sleeping in a room is too hot
Excessive room temperature can disrupt the body's metabolism. Hot air when inhaled can damage the nasal mucosa.

Sleep Habits Affect Health

Hot air is also a favorable environment for microorganisms to grow and grow, making it easy to cause the flu. For elderly people with cardiovascular disease, high bedroom temperatures can cause chest tightness, insomnia and shortness of breath. Bedroom is 20 degrees, humidity 60% is the ideal environment for your sleep.
6. Wear a blanket when sleeping
Many people like to cover the head with a blanket and cover their whole body, especially when frightened or cold. This is a bad habit, adversely affecting health. During breathing, the body breathes in oxygen and exhales CO2. When your head is covered, the oxygen in the blanket is less and less, and the CO2 is increasing.

Sleep Habits Affect Health

Because your body doesn't get enough oxygen, your brain will perform poorly. The prolonged lack of oxygen causes brain cells to be damaged.
People who sleep with a blanket will feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, or nightmares, nightmares and fears. When I wake up in the morning, I am tired as if I have been through heavy activity. For people with a history of seizures or brain problems, bedtime blanket habits increase the risk of complications. Therefore, you should not cover your head when sleeping. On very cold days, if you need to close the windows at night, you should open them to open in the daytime.

Sleep Habits Affect Health

Use your hand to replace a pillow
Abandon the habit of using your hands and knees to sleep if you do not want to suffer from digestive problems as well as sleep quality. Using hands instead of pillows when sleeping directly affects the body's ability to circulate blood, leading to pain or paralysis in the upper limbs such as the spine, shoulder blades ... In addition, this bad habit is also easy to create pressure. in the abdominal cavity, it will eventually cause reflux esophagitis..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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