Sore Throat – When Do I Need An Emergency?

Sore throat is a common manifestation of many diseases, but because of this, many people are subjective and leave it to the hospital for emergency treatment due to complications of a sore throat.
Pharyngitis is a common disease caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi ... Usually, symptoms of sore throat (sore throat) will resolve within 3-5 days after treatment or the body adjusts

However, in some special cases such as high bacterial toxins, the body's resistance is reduced, infections of the throat spread throughout the neck causing diffuse inflammation in the chest, sometimes spread. down to the mediastinum.
Or serious infections can cause intoxication
Some complications of throat infection such as tonsillitis lead to tonsillitis abscesses, from infectious foci of the throat, inflammatory processes that enter the lymph node group in the back of the throat causing abscesses of the back wall of throat , throat abscess.

Sore Throat - When Do I Need An Emergency?

This is also an emergency in otorhinolaryngology. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in these cases is staphylococci, streptococci, helix, anaerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including hemolytic beta-streptococcus group A.
Recognize complications of sore throat
When sore throat causes complications: manifested patients with sore throat increasing, difficulty opening mouth gradually leads to jaw tightness. Continual sore throat while still being treated with antibiotics, the level of pain in the throat decreases in the first 1-2 days and then gets worse.
The characteristic of sore throat in abscess around tonsils is the pain that spreads to the ear when swallowing, aches and pain in the corner of the jaw. The patient feels hard to swallow, saliva flows a lot, dirty, bad breath, rot.
When the infection spreads, the patient had a change of voice, a throat-like voice, full of discomfort due to narrowing of the throat
The late stage when the abscess spreads into the bite area will cause jaw tightness.

Sore Throat - When Do I Need An Emergency?

Shortness of breath occurs when an abscess fills the mouth of the mouth and spreads down the throat. Shortness of breath is often shallow, small vessels, difficult to catch.
Systemic manifestation of severe infection or bacterial infection accompanied by poisoning: High fever 39-40ºC, chills, blue-gray skin. Examination of the congestion mucosa red throat, many dirty yellow green fake desert. The anterior portion of the tonsils is inflated, the bottom may contain pus. Succulent chicken tongue, poor mobility. Tonsil abscess usually has one side. Lateral lymph nodes also swell, pressing pain due to inflammation spreading to lymph nodes.

Sore Throat - When Do I Need An Emergency?

Tests to do help diagnose and treat properly
A blood test results in an increase in polymorphonuclear leukocytes, especially neutrophils (over 80%). An x-ray of the neck tilted can see the image of water vapor level on the film (an expression of the abscess block).
Computerized tomography of the neck area can be performed if the patient's condition allows and in a favorable condition to be able to accurately assess the location, size, severity of widespread bacterial infection.
Collect pus for culture to find the most suitable bacteria and antibiotics, which help treat effectively. If the neck infection is not detected and treated in time, it can spread into the posterior cavity, the abscess spread to the mediastinum, lungs. Sepsis ...

Sore Throat - When Do I Need An Emergency?

even death, so very dangerous.
Internal medicine combined with surgery (wide incision draining pus). Medical treatment with antibiotics combined with antibiotics, against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria by injection, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory. Duration of treatment lasts at least 10 days. The patient was indicated for tonsillectomy, V.A curettage after about 1 month of local and systemic inflammation.
Prevention of dangerous complications of sore throat
When suffering from sore throat, patients need to go to the doctor and treat as prescribed by the ENT specialist. Do not arbitrarily buy the medicine about the use or improper use of the medicine, improper use and time of taking that your doctor has prescribed.

Sore Throat - When Do I Need An Emergency?

If the patient detects that the intermediate stage between acute tonsillitis and abscess around the tonsils is an inflammation of the tonsils around the tonsils, it is very important, avoiding the need for surgical interventions. Treatment is shortened.
In the stage of inflammation around the tonsils, usually just use antibiotics, anti-inflammatory high dose oral or injection, and reduce fever, good pain relief for patients in about a week to be cured. Keep your throat clean regularly by rinsing your throat daily with mild alkaline medications (dilute saline), eating well, etc..

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