Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

Building a healthy lifestyle and activity plays a very important role in helping you have a good health, a happy life.
Start each day with a ‘friendly’ breakfast
Eating cereals in the morning can really help you to lose unwanted weight because they digest slowly and keep blood sugar levels stable. In addition, it can help you stop hunger and help control type 2 diabetes.
According to research, people who do not eat breakfast actually have more difficulty controlling weight and tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal of the day or have a habit of nibbling snacks. rich in energy to prevent hunger
Review the contraceptives you use
Are you using birth control that best suits your lifestyle? Check to see if the contraceptive method you used a few years ago is your best option now

. For the right answer, talk to your gynecologist regularly every year.
In addition to birth control, a number of birth control options can also help regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce menstrual-associated acne such as headaches, cramps and other symptoms. These may also be reasons for you to reconsider your birth control method

Buy health insurance
There are many reasonable ways to save money, but bypassing insurance is not one of them.

Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

If you do not have health insurance, you can put your health and financial resources at risk. In fact, a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (USA) found that uninsured women were more likely to delay seeing a doctor and often overlooked preventive services. as important as mammograms and Pap tests.
Keep bones strong
Osteoporosis - a disease that makes the bones thin is a major health threat for women in later life. What you eat and do now will affect your bones later. So:
- Consider the amount of calcium in the daily diet. Healthy sources of calcium are found in non-fat milk, cheese and low-fat yogurt
In addition, dark green vegetables are also calcium supplements.

Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

Women aged 25-50 should get 1,000 mg of calcium daily.
- To keep your bones strong, take part in regular motor activities like walking, running, aerobics, dancing, etc.
Do regular breast self-exams
- Stand in front of a mirror and gently squeeze each nipple to check for secretions. Also, watch for any changes in the chest area such as a lump, blemishes, swelling or redness.
- Lie on your back and put your right hand under your head. Move your left finger around your right chest into concentric circles toward the nipple.
- Check your breasts in a vertical direction, moving from right to left. Check both underarm and upper chest area.

Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

Switch hands and repeat with your left breast.
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Most people should get into the habit of eating 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables each day. Vegetables and fruits should also be varied in color - dark green, yellow, orange, red - to provide the body with the necessary nutrients.
No need to be too much, just 1 apple, orange, pear, banana, papaya, 10 grapes ... also easily help you replenish your daily fruit intake. At every meal, try to eat half of your serving as vegetables.

Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

Wash away germs
The dirt that you cannot see are germs and bacteria, which can make you sick. And your hand is the tool to make yourself sick. Fortunately, one of the best ways to fight off bacteria and germs is also simple: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to get rid of bacteria.
When washing your hands, pay attention to the areas below your fingernails and between your fingers. Wash your hands both before and after preparing food, and after sneezing, coughing, smoking, eating or drinking.
Establish an exercise routine
To stick with an exercise program, you have to make it more fun. Eg:
- If you are outgoing, you tend to 'enjoy' group exercises at high speed, combined with music.
- If you are very stressed, you may prefer to be active indoors, such as running on the spot or running on a treadmill .

Stay Healthy With 10 Simple Things

- Try outdoor exercise or sign up for a dance class in which you often have to learn new moves.
Floss daily
We all know that daily flossing is important to our oral health. Experts believe that the bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease can enter the bloodstream and cause extensive body inflammation that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and premature birth. Therefore, brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft bristle brush and floss daily to remove bacteria from the teeth.
Make time for yourself
Many women, especially mothers who are too busy ‘juggling’ between work and family,.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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