Steroids And The Risks Brought

What are steroids?
Steroids, also known as "roids" or "juice", are like or close to certain hormones in the body. The body produces natural steroids to support functions like anti-stress and promote growth and development. But some people use tablets, gels, creams, or steroids because they think that steroids can help improve their ability to play sports or body.
Classification of steroids
Anabolic steroids are artificial hormones with androgen-like properties - the male sex hormone in the human body. There are more than 100 types of anabolic steroids

. The strongest male hormone is testosterone. Although mostly male adult hormones, testosterone is also produced in smaller amounts in young girls. Testosterone helps build muscle, strengthens the masculine characteristics of boys during puberty, such as voice cracking and body hair growth
Testosterone levels also affect a person's personality aggression.

Steroids And The Risks Brought

Some athletes use anabolic steroids due to the same effect as testosterone.
Another group of steroids, also known as steroid supplements, contain dehydroepiandrosterone - a steroid hormone (DHEA) and / or androstenedione (also called andro). Currently most steroid supplements sold in functional food stores or gyms are illegal and require a prescription. DHEA is one of the very few exceptions that can still be bought over the counter.
Steroid supplements are the weaker form of androgens. Its effects are not really obvious, but it is thought that when used in large doses, it can bring about the same effects as androgens, such as testosterone. Even manufacturing companies often only provide false or very little information about the long-term consequences that this substance has on the body when used
That is the reason why the government must issue regulations on controlling distribution of steroids to protect consumers.

Steroids And The Risks Brought

How do anabolic steroids work?
Anabolic steroids stimulate muscle cells to grow and grow when the body responds to the same effects of natural testosterone. Anabolic steroids remain in the body for a few days to a year. Steroids are widely used because they can increase flexibility, strength and muscle. However, studies do not show that steroids can help develop skills, agility or the ability to play sports.
The dangers of steroids
Anabolic steroids cause many different harms. Some of its common side effects are:
Early baldness or hair loss
Weight gain
Mood swings
The impact on psychology makes users become aggressive
Problems with sleep
High Blood Pressure
Increased risk of injury to tendons and muscles
Jaundice, liver damage
Increased risk of developing heart disease, thrombosis, stroke, and some types of cancer
The risks for women
Women who use anabolic steroids will face harms such as:
Hair on the face and body is stimulated to grow.
Develop masculine traits, such as speech, lose feminine traits, such as making your breasts smaller.
Enlargement of the clitoris.

Steroids And The Risks Brought

Menstrual cycle changes.
The risks with men
The harms caused to men include:
There are testes.
Pain when urinating.
Chest development.
Impotence (inability to achieve an erection)
Reduce sperm count and infertility.
Other problems
Steroids can also cause serious psychological side effects. Some users become aggressive and aggressive, believing in unreal things (hallucinations), or having extreme feelings of distrust or fear (paranoia). In order to counteract the negative effects of steroids on people, these people are also easily tempted to use other types of stimulants, such as alcohol or drugs.

Steroids And The Risks Brought

People who use steroids in the form of injections are also at risk of becoming infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS, if they share needles with other users. People who use dirty needles also face a greater risk of developing hepatitis, liver disease, or bacterial endocarditis, infection of the heart's inner lining.
Steroids: abuse and addiction
Some people use steroids periodically. That is, they use steroids for a period, then stop and then use again. Some people use two or more different types of anabolic steroids, called "gross use". Some people use a "pyramid" approach, that is, start with a low dose, then gradually increase the dose, or increase the number of anabolic steroids, then gradually reduce them to a complete cycle. use. These people believe that the combined use of each drug increases the effectiveness of the drug, using a pyramid scheme to help the body get used to the high dose of steroids, and the time of no use will help the body recover after too course of drug use.

Steroids And The Risks Brought

However, there is no any scientific evidence to support the correctness of these.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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