Surgical Filling And Thinning Lips

A sexy, seductive lips is always the desire of every woman. However, not everyone who is born is lucky enough to own a new, symmetrical couple. Some people have lips that are too thin or too thick to make them unhappy with their faces. If you perform a lip filling and thinning surgery at Hopital Beauty Salon, you will surely be more satisfied with the round, seductive lips as desired.
A sexy lips, seductive is the desire of women
Surgical method to fill lips thin
If you have lips that are too thin that you are not satisfied, you can go to Hopital Beauty and Korean doctors advise on cosmetic methods to be able to fill your thin lips

. There are two main groups of methods that can be applied to increase lip size:
- Method of injecting fillers into the lips: Fillers such as Collagen, Restylane, Perlane ..
when injected an appropriate amount into the lips will give you a full, sexy lips.

Surgical Filling And Thinning Lips

The doctor only needs about 5-10 minutes to inject the filler into your lips, depending on the size, desired lip shape and the chosen filler. This method is simple and easy to implement. However, the drawback of this method is that the results are only temporary and not lasting, fillers after being injected may be eliminated, react with the body ... leaving sequelae. what a pity

The lips are fuller, more sexy after the surgery to fill the thin lips
- Thin lip filling surgery method: This is a VY-style lip-shaping surgery method (using a reconstructed V-shaped lip flap to turn into a Y-shape), a W-shape to increase lip thickness or lip transplant.

Surgical Filling And Thinning Lips

personally enter the lips to be filled to increase the size and shape of the lips, making lips full and beautiful as desired. The fat from our body is a natural filler so it is very soft and creates a natural smooth feeling for your lips. Before injection, the fat is filtered through a centrifuge to ensure that only the living cells remain and are injected into the lip area to be filled.
Surgical method to thin thick lips
Thick lips will make your face look slim, thin, proportioned, and harmonious, sometimes even making your face look rough. Thick lip thinning surgery will help you remove some of the lip rim tissue to make your lips slimmer and more harmonious with the face.
Lips more slender, more harmonious with the face after surgery thinning thick lips
Thick lip thinning surgery is a minor surgery to remove a part of the lip mucosa located at the boundary between the dry and wet lips. The wound will then be stitched with self-draining thread, so you do not need to cut the thread after surgery and will not leave scars. After surgery the area of the lips will swell for about a week or two, after a few months will be completely natural.

Surgical Filling And Thinning Lips

However, you will have a slender, slimmer and more balanced lips.
Hopital aesthetics is considered a reliable and reputable cosmetic surgery address in Vietnam. Here, the team of Korean doctors, leading cosmetic surgery specialists will bring satisfaction and ensure the absolute safety as well as the most satisfactory results for customers coming to the surgery. fill and thin the lips..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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