Ten Ways To Help You Reduce Snoring Effectively

Snoring is a common condition in many people. However, this is not a normal physiological phenomenon that can adversely affect health so it should be overcome early.
The cause of snoring
When the airflow is inhaled through the blocked nose and mouth, it will cause snoring. This condition may be caused by the following factors:
- Nasal congestion due to sinusitis, allergic rhinitis or nose deformation
- Problems in the throat and tongue muscles: They are less active or sagging and putting pressure on the airways
- Being overweight and fat can make the throat tissue less flexible and cause snoring
- Young children with tonsillitis, VA or large throat lymph nodes also cause snoring
- Unrestrained sleep makes mental fatigue
- Long, soft throat or tongue can cause airway obstruction from nose to throat and snore during sleep.
Snoring affects not only those around you, but also health effects
The harmful effects of snoring
Snoring is not simply affecting people around you by snoring, but it also has an adverse effect on the health of snoring itself

- Snoring increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders
- A blocked airway can cause breathing stops for up to 10 seconds
- Snoring disrupt breathing and wake up sleep
- Causes insomnia, poor sleep due to frequent apnea
- Prolonged apnea can lead to hypertension
- Causing chronic headache
- Reduces the supply of oxygen in the blood
10 ways to help you reduce snoring
Snoring affects not only health but also the people around it, so it should be overcome as soon as possible.
Here are 10 things you can do right away to minimize this situation:
Sleep on your side
Up to 60% of people sleep on their backs, thinking this posture is good. However, lying on your back is not the best posture when sleeping
Because when lying on your back, the tongue and the palate of the throat may collapse into the back of the neck wall, causing vibrations and snoring sounds when sleeping.

Ten Ways To Help You Reduce Snoring Effectively

Lying on your left side is a good sleeping posture, which helps limit snoring
The sleeping position is thought to be best for snoring. Alternatively, you can use a thick pillow or place a pillow behind you when lying down to limit snoring.
Weight loss
Obesity is one of the causes of snoring. Too much weight makes the airways narrow so obese people will easily breathless. Therefore, weight loss is also one of the ways to help reduce snoring.
However, being too thin is not good, so you should maintain a moderate weight to help ensure the best health.
Stay away from alcohol and sedatives
Alcohol and sedatives can help you fall asleep easily, but they are not good for you and may cause you to snore because they stimulate the muscles in the back of the throat to make sounds when sleeping

If you drink alcohol or sedatives, you should drink at least 2 hours before bed to minimize snoring.

Ten Ways To Help You Reduce Snoring Effectively

High pillows when sleeping
A high pillow can support your head and help overcome snoring. However, you need to choose an appropriate height or it will cause neck pain.
In addition, the substances in the pillow can cause allergies and make you snore when sleeping or the bumps or pet hair sticking on the pillow can stimulate the respiratory system, so be sure to wash the pillow regularly and change the pillow. Every 6 months to ensure the pillow is always clean.
Pay attention to sleep time
Sleep is important for health, helps the body recover after a hard day's work and encourages the spirit to welcome the new day after waking up. Make sure you get enough 8 hours of sleep a day and get in the habit of going to bed, getting up on time. The body works in moderation to help you reduce snoring.
Quit smoking immediately if you want to overcome snoring
Quit smoking
Tobacco is not good for health, can cause heart, lung and cancer diseases.

Ten Ways To Help You Reduce Snoring Effectively

In addition, the drug can also cause snoring because it reduces the body's ability to use oxygen resulting in airway obstruction. So, quit as soon as possible.
Airway clear
Obesity is one of the causes of snoring. Excess weight causes the airways to narrow, obese people will have difficulty breathing. Therefore, weight loss is also one of the ways to help reduce snoring.
Do exercise
Exercise to strengthen muscles, improve heart rate and blood circulation. Daily exercise can also help regulate sleep patterns. Therefore, exercise at least 30 minutes a day to reduce snoring.

Ten Ways To Help You Reduce Snoring Effectively

Your dinner
Make sure you eat at least 2 hours before bed. This will ensure the rest of the digestive system to give you a restful sleep.
Drink a lot of water
Dehydration can make the secretions in your nose and throat more tender and sticky, so crickets can cause snoring. So make sure to drink enough 2 liters of water a day to limit snoring..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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