The Relationship Between Male Age And Reproductive Health

Not only women, the age of men also has a direct effect on the fertility and development of the fetus.
How does age affect male reproductive health?
First, the older the male, the lesser the seminal volume, total sperm count, sperm morphology and motility. Sperm morphology also changes in size and shape, making the rate of fertilization with eggs not high.
Secondly, older men tend to have more chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure .

..) that negatively affect sperm fertility as well as quality.
Thirdly, the age of men affects the successful pregnancy rate and fertilization rate
In other words, an older man can still give sperm to conception but the rate of miscarriage, stillbirth and birth defects in the fetus is also higher.

The Relationship Between Male Age And Reproductive Health

The reason is that sperm in older men may be abnormal in DNA.
Babies born to an older father are at risk of mental health problems. Specifically, children of fathers aged 40 years and older are five times more likely to suffer from autism spectrum disorders than children whose fathers are 30 years old or younger, and children at risk of schizophrenia paralysis and other mental health disorders later.
Fourthly, as men age, men tend to reduce libido or erectile dysfunction, obesity weight gain will significantly reduce reproductive function.
Men's age has a direct effect on sperm quality and quantity
When is the best time for male reproductive health?
According to the most recent data from the CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the highest fertility rate for men is between 25-29 years old and depends largely on testosterone levels. Men after age 30, testosterone levels will decrease 1% per year.

The average time to conceive is 4 to 5 months for the age of 25.

The Relationship Between Male Age And Reproductive Health

But this time can be extended to more than 2 years after the age of 40.
Does men's age affect the rate of birth defects?
Men's age is directly linked to an increased risk of birth defects and other potential problems. Specifically:
Cleft lip / palate
A Danish study of more than one million births concluded that fatherhood is a risk factor for cleft palate and cleft palate, regardless of maternal age.
Down syndrome
A 2003 study evaluated more than 3,400 cases of Down's Syndrome and found that, contrary to the popular opinion, the father's age was a factor in 50% of cases. The highest incidence of Down syndrome is if both parents are older (over 35).
Many studies have shown that men over 50 years of age are twice as likely to have children with autism than a young man.
Men over 30 years old are likely to give birth to a child with schizophrenia, with the highest risk for men over 50 years old.
Bipolar disorder
Fathers over 55 years of age are 1.

The Relationship Between Male Age And Reproductive Health

37 times more likely to give birth to a child with bipolar disorder than men in their 20s.
Men who give birth late can cause babies to have different medical conditions
How to protect the male fertility?
The quality of sperm produced by men is directly related to physical health. If a man is in good condition, he will be able to produce healthy sperm until he is 60 years old, before the sperm count starts to decline.
Therefore, taking preventive measures will help men to ensure a healthy sperm count and production.
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol when trying to conceive because these activities can damage sperm.
Avoid putting the laptop on your lap, taking a hot shower and wearing tight underwear as this can affect the testicles
Avoid exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals as can affect sperm.
Eat healthy and exercise regularly
When you are worried about reproductive health, male patients should visit and get advice from a doctor for appropriate treatment..

The Relationship Between Male Age And Reproductive Health

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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