The Unknown Side Effects Of Ganoderma

Ganoderma is known as a rare herb, only beneficial without any harm. However, many studies show that Ganoderma, if not used properly, will cause immeasurable harm.
Anti-cancer: Ganoderma contains anti-cancer active substances such as triterpenes, a substance that prevents the spread of malignant tumors. Polymeric polysaccharides help boost immune function and are also cancer killers.
In a number of recent studies, Ganoderma has been shown to help "fight" cancer in different ways, such as animal testing, showing that Ganoderma can prevent metastasis

Increased testosterone: Ganoderma helps the body produce organic compounds into steroids. This means it can help accelerate the anabolic state, help the body restructure and strengthen and develop muscles.
At the same time, this mushroom also helps prevent an enzyme that converts testosterone hormone into dihydrotestosterone, which stores more testosterone in the body, thereby increasing sexual function

Blood thinning: Ganoderma in Ganoderma works to thin the blood, so this fungus can be used to treat high blood pressure and agitation.

The Unknown Side Effects Of Ganoderma

Good for the liver: Ganoderic acid in Ganoderma helps treat liver diseases in humans.
Antibacterial: In addition to enhancing immune function, ganoderma also has an antibacterial effect, helping to fight common bacteria and viruses such as HSV-1, HSV-2, influenza viruses, stomatitis ...
Vasodilation: Because it contains alkaloids (containing nitrogen) and adenosine, Ganoderma is very useful in dilating blood vessels. This means that reishi helps the blood vessels to expand, allowing more blood, oxygen and nutrients to travel throughout the body, thereby increasing energy and helping to accelerate the healing process. In addition, Ganoderma also helps reduce blood pressure

But bows also have side effects
While there are many benefits to this, using this miraculous mushroom also needs to be careful.

The Unknown Side Effects Of Ganoderma

People with low blood pressure, those who are being treated for hypertension, or those who have had surgery should not use Ganoderma.
Low blood pressure can be good for the body, but if it gets too low, it will cause dizziness, dizziness, nausea and prevent the formation of blood membranes, causing blood to stop flowing. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using Ganoderma.
Moreover, high levels of testosterone lead to increased libido and muscle tension, but can cause baldness and acne. Ganoderma increases small amounts of testosterone so does not bring these side effects. However, if something unusual happens, you should stop taking Ganoderma for a while and watch for body manifestations.
More importantly, some people are allergic to Ganoderma or if you're allergic to mushrooms, you should be careful when using this "panacea"..

The Unknown Side Effects Of Ganoderma

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