Tips For Treating Minor Illnesses

The following good tips promise to help solve some common everyday diseases quickly, simply and completely naturally. 1.Remove blackheads with baking powder and toothpaste
Get rid of blackheads: Blackheads can be cleaned with a mixture of baking powder, water and toothpaste
A “paste” consisting of one part baking powder, one part toothpaste and two parts water can help you get rid of blackheads on your face. Use a toothbrush to apply this mixture to the affected area as needed. If used daily before bedtime, blackheads will disappear

2. Stop migraines with warm water and ice
Soaking migraines by soaking: Soaking your hands and feet in warm water when placing an ice pack on the nape area of your neck can draw blood out of your head, partially or completely relieving the pain.
When pain relievers are not available or if medications appear to be ineffective, you can try soaking your hands and feet in warm water and placing a bag of ice or frozen beans on the back of your neck
The temperature in the hands and feet will help draw the blood out of the head, partially or completely reducing the pain.

Tips For Treating Minor Illnesses

3. Soothe sore feet with a bottle of cold water
Cure foot aches with water bottles: A bottle of cold water will help relieve leg soreness when rolling under the soles of the feet.
After a long day of walking, people often have pain in the middle of their feet.
To relieve pain, fill 3/4 plastic water bottles and place them in the refrigerator overnight. Rolling the soles of your feet over this cold water bottle can reduce inflammation and help relieve pain.
4. Take the splinter with baking powder
No tweezers needed: The water and baking powder mixture will suck the splinter out of the skin
Splashing doesn't have to be a painful experience with a knife and failed attempts to pull it out
The baking powder and water mixture will suck the splinter from your skin within minutes.

Tips For Treating Minor Illnesses

5. Relieve a sore throat with marshmallows
The gelatin in marshmallows will coat the throat, reducing irritation and pain
Eating 3 or 4 marshmallows can reduce irritation and sore throat thanks to the gelatin layer covering the affected area.
6. Cure stuffy nose with acupressure day
Nasal congestion can be treated by pressing your tongue against your mouth and pressing your fingers against your head
If you have a stuffy nose that doesn't go away, you can activate your body's self-draining mechanism.
By pressing your tongue against the palate and using one finger to press firmly between the eyebrows, the sinuses will begin to drain fluid and the nose will clear within 20 seconds.
7. Cover the blister with tape
Adhesive tape is stronger than ego, and can help prevent and treat blisters
When there is not enough ego tape, tape can be used to cover the blister. This will reduce discomfort for people who are active and if a blister has formed, a gauze pad or piece of paper can be placed under the tape to protect the affected area from sticking to the adhesive.

Tips For Treating Minor Illnesses

8. Treat itchy throat by scratching your ears
Treating an itchy throat by scratching the ear: This will cause the muscles in the throat to stop the itchy sensation
An itchy throat can be easily soothed by scratching the ear as it stimulates the nerves in the throat.
These nerves create reflexes in the throat that cause muscle contractions, stopping the sensation of itching.
9. Quit smoking with a sauna
3 days sauna can take all the nicotine out of the addict's body and help them quit smoking
Quitting smoking is not necessarily a challenge, as many people choose to take a sauna to cope with it.
By taking a sauna for 3 days in a row, smokers can expel all the nicotine in their bodies through their sweat and find it easier to quit.
According to Daily Mail
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