Treating Back Pain After “active Room”

Not a few people, including young men, after having sex, suffer from an indescribable back pain that traditional medicine calls "prevention of love".
According to modern medicine, the cause may be due to unreasonable posture, excessive time and intensity of activity causing the lumbar muscle tendons to contract abnormally stiff, even the spinal ligaments. can cause sudden stretches which can lead to back pain. This is more likely to occur in middle age and older when the lumbar spine has been on the road of degeneration.
According to traditional medicine, the back is covered with the kidneys (of course, kidney organs are in the concept of Eastern medicine), all kidney diseases are reflected by back symptoms

If the kidney qi fails, in case of low welding excess muscle penetration; If excessive prevention or sexual activity when the body is too tired for various reasons, the kidneys will dissipate, and the temperament of disobedience will lead to love. So what to do when we fall into this unrest?
First of all, it is necessary to lie down in bed, the whole body and mind relaxed. You can ask another person or rub hot oil on the waist yourself and rub with your palms along the sides of the spine in an up and down direction for 1 minute so that the spot is warming
Next, press the middle of the lumbar vertebrae with your middle finger with a relatively strong force for 1 minute.

Treating Back Pain After

Sit up in a straight posture, lower legs perpendicular to the thighs. Use your fingers to gently massage the lumbar region to find the most sore point, then press with your middle finger for 1 minute with relatively strong force. Next, place your hands around your waist, your thumb on your back, the rest of your fingers on your stomach (your akimbo position), and then use your thumbs to press firmly on the back muscle for 1 minute, just now. just gently bent over the lumbar spine with increasing amplitude.
Finally, you can use one of the homemade preparations such as five-pack and bean equal weight, dried powdered powder, drink 2 times a day, 20g each time with warm wine, repatriates 9g, black beans 500g, two kinds of dried powdered powder, drink every day 9g with light wine; 1 year of pig clean, cut pieces to stew with weighted beans 20g, pepper 14 seeds, eat hot.
To prevent this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the moderation gym, not living in a state of extreme fatigue, mental stress, drunkenness .

Treating Back Pain After

When living, it is necessary to choose the appropriate posture, intensity and time. . If back pain recurs many times, it is essential to see a doctor and follow the medication and the advice of a specialist..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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