Treatment Of Allergic Rhinitis – What Medication?

Question: For many years, when I changed the weather, I often had itchy nose, sneezing, followed by stuffy nose, runny nose very uncomfortable. Previously, I went to a private clinic, was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and gave a prescription for dayamin, vitamin C ... but the effectiveness of the disease was not stable

. My friend advised that telfast was a better new drug. I am pleased to advise you to advise me. (Pham Hung Hoa - Ha Long - Quang Ninh)
Your illness is seasonal allergic rhinitis (VMD)
This is a very common disease in our country as well as in other countries, increasingly encountered by industrial development.

Treatment Of Allergic Rhinitis - What Medication?

This is due to hypersensitivity of the nasal mucosa to the stimuli that medicine calls an allergen. Common allergens in VMD are house dust, pollen, mold, animal hair and chemicals.
The disease is characterized by a predisposition to particular genetic conditions and is characterized by an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
Symptoms often occur suddenly in episodes or early in the morning when the weather changes, including: suddenly itching on both sides of the nasal cavity, spread to the eyes, down the throat.
Then sneeze constantly into bouts of 5 - 10, even 15 - 20. Next, there was a lot of clear, colorless, odorless nasal discharge, then a fierce nasal congestion on both sides. The above manifestations appear many times a day, usually lasting 3-5 days and only disappear when the allergens are no more

Treatment of VMD using drugs with antihistamine properties (substances that are greatly released in allergic or inflammatory hypersensitivity) is necessary.

Treatment Of Allergic Rhinitis - What Medication?

Dayamin is one of nearly 20 brand names of astemizol - it is a 2nd generation antihistamine with many advantages: highly effective treatment, does not cause drowsiness, dry mouth ... like first generation antihistamines.
However, after a long time of use, astemizol and its proprietary drugs have gradually withdrawn from the market because of side effects to the heart such as ventricular arrhythmias, QT interval on ECG, including torsades de pointes , usually due to high doses, but also not excluded with normal doses.
And telfast is a brand-name drug of fexofenadine, a new H1 antihistamine that inhibits the release of histamine mediators from mast cells.
Fexofenadine has similar properties to second-generation antihistamines in that it is selective with peripheral H1 receptors rather than binding to muscarin receptors and therefore does not cause drowsiness, anticholinergic properties as often happens with antacids. 1st generation histamine.

Treatment Of Allergic Rhinitis - What Medication?

More importantly, fexofenadine does not interact with the cardiac potassium channels, so there is no tendency as astemizol to increase the heart's QT interval, a side effect that can lead to severe arrhythmias.
Fexofenadine is a new drug, with a much higher price than the current antihistamines, but with a wider range of safety. Through the above data, you should not use dayamin drugs, you need to revisit VMD to get a prescription for the right medication for you..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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