Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae

Children with tuberculosis generally fall into four categories that require treatment:
- Primary infection is also known as initial TB
- Acute TB: there is meningitis and miliary TB
- Post-primary respiratory tuberculosis: includes pulmonary tuberculosis and pleural tuberculosis
- Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: there are many types such as lymph node tuberculosis, tuberculosis, spinal tuberculosis, peritoneal tuberculosis, pericardium, urinary-genital tuberculosis, intestinal tuberculosis ...
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Children with primary infection with tuberculosis often experience fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, mild fever in the afternoon, sometimes with high fever. There may also be a dry cough, coughing up, chest pain, shortness of breath

. Depending on what type of TB the child has, the symptoms also have other typical symptoms.
Types of tuberculosis in children
Initial tuberculosis (primary tuberculosis): Most common, can occur in children under 14 years of age, but usually occurs in children under 5 years of age and has not been vaccinated against BCG. When infected with tuberculosis, children often have no symptoms, or have symptoms of transient flu, fever or fatigue

Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae

. Some cases develop mildly and go away if the child has good resistance.
Acute tuberculosis: Meningococcal TB, acute TB tuberculosis are two severe and early complications of primary infection, which can easily lead to death if unknown and leave serious sequelae if diagnosed late. The disease occurs in all ages, but is most common in children without BCG vaccination, before 2 years of age.
Meningococcal TB: Occurs 2-12 months after primary infection, signaling with mild fever, changes in posture. After a week, 380C fever, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness and sometimes signs of nerve damage, convulsions, coma, squint, seizure, eyelid drooping.
If the diagnosis is slow, it leads to severe sequelae such as mental sequelae (mental retardation, mood disorders, epilepsy); weakness of the body, limbs shrinkage, blindness, deaf

Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae

Tuberculosis: is acute pulmonary tuberculosis, appears in the first weeks after primary infection with symptoms of high fever, tachycardia, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, no erythema nodosum (other than typhoid) and there are always signs of breathing difficulties, cyanosis. Children with tuberculosis often lead to meningitis.
Respiratory tuberculosis: Tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis are more common in older children, closer to puberty than in young children. Often there are symptoms of prolonged cough, mild fever, weight loss, poor diet ...
Extra pulmonary tuberculosis: Usually a slower complication after primary infection.

Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae

There are many forms of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis such as spinal tuberculosis: in the early stages, the child often shows pain in the spine area and slowly hunchback; tuberculosis of bones and joints: children with swollen joints and pus in the joints that leak out the skin; tuberculosis: children with symptoms of bloody urination, often accompanied by swelling of the testes - if it is a boy; tuberculosis: lymphadenopathy is usually clustered, sticking late to cause pus leakage, causing bad scars; intestinal tuberculosis: loose bowel movements or diarrhea in sputum, prolonged blood.
Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in children
In children with TB diagnosis, finding the TB germs is often more difficult than in adults. Even children with pulmonary tuberculosis themselves find it hard to find TB germs because they do not or do not know how to cough. For early-stage tuberculosis, the children have symptoms, which are similar to respiratory tract infections, making it difficult to diagnose.
Treatment of tuberculosis in children is the same as that of adults. However, parents must adhere to the treatment of their children in accordance with the instructions of the physician, with sufficient treatment time (6-9 months), sufficient doses of medication, and proper regimen to stabilize the disease.
Tips for parents
Parents, please take your child for BCG vaccination under the expanded immunization program; early detection and treatment of family members with tuberculosis, avoiding children exposed to the source of TB; keep children healthy, eat enough food to prevent malnutrition; maintain a good living environment, the house is airy and clean ..

Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae

If someone in the family has TB, isolate the child, do not have close contact (kissing) with the child ... When the child has symptoms suspected of having tuberculosis (prolonged cough, weight loss or not gaining weight, sweating theft) ...) should be taken immediately to specialized medical facilities for examination and treatment according to the formula of the national anti-tuberculosis program, ensuring the principle of DOST (short-term controlled chemotherapy).

Tuberculosis In Children, Typical Symptoms And Sequelae


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