Using Mental Medicine For Women

Women suffer from stress, insomnia, depression, schizophrenia ... more than men because the brain has some specific structures that increase intuition, due to many physiological changes (menstruation), pregnancy, childbirth. , menopause), under a lot of pressure (hard work in the house, raising children, caring for parents)

. Therefore, women are more likely to require psychiatric medication, but it is also because of the above characteristics that it is more difficult to use psychotropic drugs.
Psychiatric drugs must be prescribed by a doctor
Benzodiazepines: including sleeping pills (estazolam, temazepam, fluazepam, triazoam, nitrtzepam, oxaepam, midazolam), panic anxiety medications (alprazoam, bromazepam, chlorazepat, chlordiazepoxid), intermediates (loraepam, diazepam).
They all cross the placenta, prolonged use will cause hypotension, affect respiratory function, cause hypothermia causing "smoking withdrawal syndrome" in newborns, which can cause fetal defects (cleft lip , central nervous system disability)

Suppositories cause these side effects more strongly than panic anxiety medications.

Using Mental Medicine For Women

Even the intermediate drug diazepam (seduxen) has all these side effects. Use should be restricted during pregnancy. If there is no alternative medicine, take the right dose for a short time.
Depression medications:
The disease has many forms (depression, manic depression, widespread anxiety disorder, obsessive - pressing) of different severity in each person, even in a person also changes by time or time of day. Physiological changes that change form and level of disease. Using medication sometimes used for a lifetime, sometimes in installments, sometimes completely after some use. The three groups of depressants all affect the fetus and the nursing infant

- Depression tricyclic group: consists of many substances, often used amitriptyline, doxepin, imipramine.

Using Mental Medicine For Women

Not found to cause birth defects but causes mothers with anti-cholinergic symptoms (dry mouth, nausea, constipation, tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension, increased sweating, painful, oily rash, facial discomfort) , increased intraocular pressure, changes in blood sugar). These side effects are harmful to the nursing infant.
- Group IMAO: neurotransmitter drug MAO inhibitors (monoamino-oxydase) should fight depression. But MAO is in many parts so inhibiting MAO to a certain extent will be harmful to the body. For example, inhibiting MAO will release tyramine, which causes high blood pressure, severe oil aches, usually after 14 days to recover. These effects are not beneficial to the mother and fetus.
- Selective serotonin recovery (SSRI) inhibitors: commonly used drugs (fluoxeti, parocetin, sertralin). SSRI has not been found to cause birth defects.

Using Mental Medicine For Women

From 2005 and earlier, SSRIs including paroxetine were thought to be relatively safe for pregnancy.
In late 2005, a post-marketing study by GSK and a Swedish study (Kallen BA) revealed that paroxetine infection (eg, seroxate) was associated with malformations, including cardiovascular and physical defects. relatively light (about 2%). But two same studies in 2010 by Swedish authors (Reis M Kalein B) and the Netherlands (Backker MA) found that parocetin only significantly increased cardiovascular malformations. Normally, the rate of malformations in residents not related to exposure is also from 1 to 3%, so it is difficult to think that peroxetine is the cause of the deformity.
With these new studies, it is clear that the use of SSRIs for pregnant women is more convenient. However, paroxetine causes the habit of being habituated (giving birth to a child who is easily agitated, a muscle tone disorder, difficulty breastfeeding, vomiting sleep, vomiting, sometimes convulsions, respiratory failure). ); sertralin (for example, Zoloft) is associated with umbilical hernia defects, catheterization; all SSRIs also cause a number of side effects, such as tricyclic depression, harmful to the mother and nursing infant.

Using Mental Medicine For Women

Therefore, the use of SSRIs for pregnant women still need to weigh the benefits and risks together.
In principle, "do not use depression medicine for pregnant women." Depressed people can also get pregnant and have children but only at the right time (when the disease is stable, stop taking the drug, the pause time is long enough to do this).
If you become pregnant in depression, you often use psychotherapy, only when failing to use the drug, when taking the drug, you should choose carefully (choose the drug that is low on birth control, use the limited time dose at a sufficient effective level). force).
Schizophrenia: The most common schizophrenia drug in the community is chlopromazin. When high-dose, prolonged (especially during acute treatment in the hospital), chlopromazin causes extrapyramidal phenomena (dyskinesia and motor coordination, difficulty walking, easy to fall, touch objects) anything fumbling, chewing slowly, speaking slowly every hour without fluency ..

Using Mental Medicine For Women

.), craving, eating a lot, fat to cracked skin.
Fortunately, after the acute phase, the disease is stable, the dose is gradually reduced, the only dose that is tried or stopped is the side effects will decrease, then disappear. If used in the last 3 months of pregnancy, the drug harms the fetal nerve, causes extrapyramidal in newborns, these disorders are sometimes recovered but sometimes very serious.
Drugs secreted in milk cause harm to children. People with schizophrenia often take medicines to treat and strengthen them in very long periods. People with this disease may also be spared.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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