What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a condition in which a child passes loose or watery stools more than 3 times a day, often in children, especially those aged 6 months to 2 years.
Acute diarrhea occurs suddenly that lasts no more than 14 days (usually less than 7 days). Diarrhea that persists for more than 2 weeks or more. Children with diarrhea are often malnourished and can die, due to the loss of large amounts of water and salt. Another important cause of death is dysentery

. To help children recover quickly after diarrhea and avoid malnutrition, children need to eat well, eat as soon as possible when they want to eat.
Children's diet
In the treatment of diarrhea, the most important thing is to prevent dehydration, quickly treat dehydration and the child's diet. To prevent dehydration at home by giving your child more water than usual such as ORS (oresol), cooled boiled water, or food-based solutions such as porridge, salted porridge water, roasted rice water, and rice broth

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

If there is dehydration, take the child to see grassroots health workers or clinics for treatment. The best way to treat dehydration is to give your child ORS and food solutions. The amount of solution to be taken at home after each outing:
- Children under 2 years: 50 - 100ml.
- Children from 2 - 10 years old: 100 - 200ml.
- Children 10 years and older and adults: drink as needed

Types of fluid used in ORS treatment and preparation: wash your hands with soap and clean water before preparing.

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

Pour the flour into a warm jar or pot of clean water. Measure out a liter of clean water (or an appropriate amount of water for each type of package used), preferably boiled and cooled water, in case it is not possible to use the cleanest one. Pour water into the container and shake well until the powder is completely dissolved. Cover the bottle and let the child drink within 24 hours. Pour the reconstituted solution after 24 hours and reconstitute a fresh solution.
- Salt porridge water: use a handful of rice, a pinch of salt and 6 bowls to eat clean water and then boil, filter through the drain, get water for children to drink gradually.
- Roasted salted rice water: take 50g of rice (a handful) to roast gold, give 6 bowls of water to cook and filter through a drain for 1 teaspoon of salt to eat and let children drink gradually.
- Banana juice, sapodilla juice: banana or sapodilla 5 fruits grated or crushed with 1 liter of boiling water to cool + 1 teaspoon brushed across the table salt, for children to drink gradually.

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

- Salt carrot soup: carrots 500g, salt eat a teaspoon horizontal brush, 8 teaspoons of sugar. Carrots cooked through rub or put into a blender blender, a pinch of salt to boil again, for children to drink gradually.
Feed children with diarrhea
It is very important to prevent children from losing weight and malnutrition. Foods to eat when a child has diarrhea: rice (rice flour), potatoes, lean chicken, lean pork, soy milk, cooking oil, carrots, sapodilla, bananas.
- Babies under 6 months old who are breastfed: continue to breastfeed normally and increase the number of feeds.
- Babies over 6 months of age: in addition to breast milk, children need to eat more and more times, nutritious foods such as meat, eggs, fish, milk ...

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

and need to add a little oil, fat to increase more energy of the diet.
Foods should be soft, thoroughly cooked, thinner than usual and served immediately after cooking to ensure hygiene, reduce the risk of multiple infections, if children must eat pre-cooked foods, they need to be reheated when feeding.
- Give your child more ripe fruits or ripe fruit juice such as bananas, oranges, lemons, mangoes, papaya ... to increase the amount of potassium. Do not use industrial soft drinks as they may increase diarrhea.
- Avoid foods that are high in fiber or low in nutrients such as raw vegetables, whole grains (corn, beans .

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

..) that are difficult to digest.
- Do not use foods that are high in sugar because they can make diarrhea worse. Amount of food: Children should be encouraged to eat as much as possible. Young children fed 6 times / day or more.
After recovering from diarrhea, to help the child recover quickly and avoid malnutrition, the child needs to eat one more meal a day for two consecutive weeks. For children with prolonged diarrhea, they must give a child more meals a day and last for at least one month.

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

- If the child eats less or eats in vomiting, feed less and increase the number of meals compared to the menu.
- Children using increased cow's milk instead of soy milk with 10% or non-lactose milk such as (Isomil, Olac) or yogurt made from formula milk like milk meals.
- From day 5, if your child has less diarrhea, go back to the diet and eat normally.
Prevention of diarrhea
- Grow kids by mom milk.
- Feed children properly and reasonably, ensuring hygiene when processing, preserving and using clean water sources, clean and fresh food free from contamination or plant protection chemicals.
- Wash hands with soap: After going to the toilet, changing a baby's diaper, before preparing food, feeding, taking care of children.
- Use hygienic toilets, safely handle small children with diarrhea.
- Measles vaccination: children become ill with measles or after recovering from severe diarrhea and dysentery leading to death.

What Children Eat When Diarrhea?

Measles vaccine can prevent 25% of diarrhea-related deaths among children under 5 years old..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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