What Effect Does Menorrhea Cause?

A normal cycle will last from 28 to 32 days, the average menstrual period 3-5 days. Menstrual blood is dark red, does not clot, there are many debris of the lining of the vagina - uterus and many bacteria are available in the vagina.
Menopause is a normal menstrual period but lasts longer than 7 days and the blood loss exceeds 80ml / menstrual period (normally about 50 - 80 ml / cycle).
Causes of menstruation
Causes of menorrhagia are divided into two types: functional seaweed and menorrhagia due to physical causes.
- Functional dysmenorrhea: Most often in the early and late stages of puberty and pre-menopause (menstrual cycle is thin, menstrual bleeding, prolonged,

Within the first two years after menstruation begins, young women often have irregular periods because there is no ovulation.

What Effect Does Menorrhea Cause?

The cycle is usually 21 to 40 days, up and down 10 days from one cycle to the next. Menorrhagia is sometimes accompanied by hypermenorrhea, especially when there has been an unusually long period. During the ovulatory cycle, estrogen increases for long, without the corpus luteum and without endometrial flaking.
The intestine keeps thickening while blood vessels do not grow in time, so there is not enough blood to feed, leading to necrosis and sloughing, causing heavy and prolonged blood.
- Menopause due to physical causes: Causes by damage to the uterus or ovaries such as uterine fibroids, endometritis, uterine polyp, polycystic ovaries, cancer of cultured cells, cancer cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ..
In addition, some contraceptives can cause menstruation, especially emergency contraception.

What Effect Does Menorrhea Cause?

What effect does menorrhea cause?
Menopausal if prolonged to cause blood loss leads to anemia with symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath ... Prolonged bleeding will create favorable conditions for bacteria to invade, resulting in genital infections.
The bacteria will spread back from the vulva into the vagina, into the uterus and can go to the fallopian tube causing inflammation of the appendages, even causing infertility later. Menopause affects a lot of daily activities. Psychologically, the woman will always have discomfort, even fear when menstruation comes.

Menopause can also be a symptom of a number of diseases in the uterus or ovaries such as uterine fibroids, endometritis, uterine polyps, polycystic ovaries, .

What Effect Does Menorrhea Cause?

.. If not treated early, it will cause many symptoms.
Therefore, when menstruating, women should go to specialized medical facilities to examine and determine the cause to have appropriate treatment, to avoid prolonged damage to health and fertility..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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