What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

The phenomenon of thinning, drying hair or scalp scaling are all signs that your health is a problem.
We often think that hair is just a dead protein, but actually when the inside of the body is unstable, it will affect the hair, ”said Dr. Victoria Barbosa - director of the Millennium Park Dermatology Institute in Chicago (USA).
The problem of dry, thin, lifeless hair
There are many factors that can lead to dry hair, including dyeing, drying or swimming too much in a chlorinated pool. Some people think that their hair is thinning due to excessive hair loss, but the reason may be because the hair changes its structure and becomes thinner

A change in the hair structure that makes hair thinner may be a sign that the thyroid gland is not working properly - otherwise known as hypothyroidism. "Other signs of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, a slow heart rate and frequent colds," said Raphael Darvish, a dermatologist in Brentwood, California.
Scaly scalp or hard patches, usually starting at the hairline
The scalp plays a thick layer of hard scales that can be a sign of psoriasis
Psoriasis is the most common of all autoimmune diseases, which occurs when skin cells grow too quickly.

What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

If you have autoimmune diseases, you are at high risk for psoriasis. On the other hand, if you discover that you have psoriasis, you should watch out for other illnesses. Up to 30% of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis - a disease that causes the joints to swell, causing pain.
The scalp plays a thick layer of hard scales that can be a sign of psoriasis
Thinning hair
Normally you shed about 100 to 150 hairs a day. However, after shampooing and notice many hair loss cling to comb, towel or hair loss in clumps, it is a worrying sign. A common cause of this phenomenon is psychological stress, which usually occurs after a divorce or job loss, etc. Another cause is a fever caused by flu or an infection

In addition, diabetes can cause hair thinning or sudden hair loss.

What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

Experts believe that excessive hair loss is an early warning sign that diabetes affects hormone levels in the body.
Get bald, then frequently lose your hair all over your head
Both women and men can experience androgenic hair loss. The cause of the disease is often a change in sex hormones. In women, a testosterone derivative is often the "culprit" that shrinks and eventually kills hair follicles. "This type of hair loss is usually inherited and will remain permanent if not treated with medication," said Larry Shapiro, a hair transplant specialist in Palm Beach, Florida.
In women, a derivative of testosterone often shrinks and eventually kills hair follicles
Hair is dry, brittle and brittle
If you wake up, see the strands of hair stuck on your pillow, it is usually because your hair is broken rather than from the hair follicle. Hair breakage often occurs because the hair becomes brittle under the influence of chemicals (squeezing, dyeing, curling, ..

What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

However, there are also some conditions that make hair brittle and brittle, such as Cushing's syndrome - an adrenal disorder that causes the hormone cortisol to be overproduced. Hypothyroidism - an inherited condition or a damaged parathyroid gland during head and neck surgery can also cause dry and brittle hair.
Scales are yellow in the hair and itchy scales on the scalp
Those are signs of seborrheic dermatitis. This is a chronic scalp inflammation that causes scalp scabs, which often occur in oily areas.
The disease usually occurs at the same time as fungal infection - a disease that develops due to the rapid growth of yeast (usually on the skin and scalp). Taking advantage of skin irritation, the yeast Pityrosporum ovale acts and causes the skin to become more swollen.

There is a way to distinguish seborrheic dermatitis from dry skin.

What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

In the case of dry skin, dry skin flakes often appear between the eyebrows and the sides of the nose. In addition, seborrheic dermatitis is usually a seasonal disease that flares in the winter and disappears in the summer. The disease can also arise when stressed.
Hair loss in small clusters
The body's immune response affects the hair follicles, causing it to shrink and hair to fall out in small clumps. Experts call this type of hair loss plaque. Alopecia can cause eyebrow or eyelash hair loss - a symptom that distinguishes it from other types of hair loss.
Diabetes can also cause this type of hair loss in some people. In severe cases, patients may experience hair loss on their heads or even hair loss on their bodies.

What Hair Problems Reveal About Your Health?

The body's immune response affects hair follicles, causing hair to fall out in small clusters
The problem of gray hair
Experts think that graying or graying hair is mostly genetic. However, some researchers agree that the stressful view also causes gray hair. Stress can trigger a chain reaction that disturbs the transfer of melanin, the pigment that determines hair's natural color. After studying the role of hormones that are produced when we are under stress, scientists.

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