What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Hepatitis is a very dangerous disease if it is detected late, but it is very quiet, making it difficult to detect it early, so each of us needs preventive measures to prevent it. The following article discusses the causes of symptoms and how to treat hepatitis hope to give an overview for readers about the disease.
What is hepatitis like?
Hepatitis is a condition in which liver cells are damaged and inflamed in the liver tissue. It happens silently, with no symptoms at an early stage, but only when the disease is severe can the person clearly see symptoms. That makes it difficult for the patient to be proactive in detecting and treating the disease

. Hepatitis can cause serious impairment of liver function, formation of cirrhosis, and even death of liver cancer.
The cause of hepatitis
There are many causes of hepatitis. These include:
Hepatitis is caused by a viral infection
There are many types of viruses that cause hepatitis, the most common are hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G
Besides, there are also some other viruses such as MV, EBV, herpes virus, etc.

What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Hepatitis due to parasitic infection
Plasmodium falciparum - malaria parasites and some amoeba parasites that can cause hepatitis. The liver is swollen and the liver's functions such as filtering toxins, liver's metabolism are stagnant if infected.
Autoimmune hepatitis
This is because the immune system attacks the liver. This disease is uncommon and has not yet identified the cause of autoimmune hepatitis. In some cases, the disease can be caused by the accumulation of toxic chemicals in the body or the side effects of drugs, it can damage the liver, leading to impaired liver function.
Hepatitis due to intoxication
Alcohol is a harmful drink that is toxic to the liver. The long-term abuse of beer causes inflammation, steatosis, necrosis or cirrhosis
Injuries from alcohol and drug intoxication are often acute, but if left untreated can lead to chronic.

What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Symptoms of hepatitis
In the early stages, hepatitis has no obvious symptoms. A few symptoms appear to varying degrees. Therefore, patients should not be subjective with symptoms such as: Fever, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, joint or muscle pain, jaundice, jaundice rash, dark yellow urine ... The earlier the early diagnosis of a disease, the easier it will be to treat and the greater the chance of cure.
Is hepatitis dangerous?
Depending on the condition and type of treatment, the dangers of hepatitis vary. The disease is not dangerous if detected and treated in the early stages.

What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

But when the disease is detected in the later stages, it will become dangerous because the health of the patient will be seriously reduced, harder to treat, longer treatment time, more costly, possibly threatening. Patient networks due to complications such as:
Cirrhosis is a later stage of chronic hepatitis, which is the result of long-term damage to liver cells that causes liver cells to deteriorate, die and create scar tissue. The liver is restored to a hardened liver, reducing blood flow through the liver and not performing the liver's normal function.
Hepatitis can turn into extremely dangerous liver cancer
Liver Cancer
Liver cancer is a disease when liver cells become abnormal from hepatitis, affecting liver function, which can spread to other areas of the liver and other organs. Liver cancer has three main forms: HCC, biliary carcinoma, and hepatoblastoma.
What is the most dangerous hepatitis?
Hepatitis A is less dangerous, does not progress to chronic and leaves no sequelae. But it is very difficult to cure completely.
Hepatitis B is easily spread from person to person, is also very easy to cause mutations due to the virus that has strong resistance.

What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

This is the most dangerous type of hepatitis.
Hepatitis C is milder, although the symptoms are the same as hepatitis B. People are at risk for chronic hepatitis, liver failure, cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death if they get hepatitis B. or hepatitis C.
Hepatitis D cannot be independently transmitted, but only those who have been infected with hepatitis B are at risk.
Hepatitis E is relatively dangerous because it affects other parts of the body.
Is hepatitis contagious?
Hepatitis due to abuse of tobacco alcohol, autoimmune hepatitis is unlikely to spread. But viral hepatitis is highly contagious.

What Is Hepatitis? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

People at risk of transmitting viral hepatitis such as:
- Unsafe sex
- Sharing personal belongings with sick people
- Blood transfusion
- HIV infection
- Transmission from mother to child
- Use drugs that are harmful to the liver
- Eating unsanitary food, using contaminated food and water
Hepatitis can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Diagnosis of hepatitis
Hepatitis is usually diagnosed through regular checkups. There are diagnostic methods such as:
Physical examination: detect symptoms of jaundice, yellow eyes, fever, rash, fatigue.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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