What Is The Rectum? Structure And Function Of The Rectum

In recent years, people often hear about dangerous digestive diseases such as rectal inflammation and rectal cancer. So what is the rectum? Where is the rectum? What is the function of the rectum and its related diseases? The following article may help you with some of those questions.
What is the rectum?
The rectum is an important part of the digestive organs. According to Latin rectum is rectum intestinum means the straight intestine, 11-15cm long, about the same size as the sigmoid colon at the beginning, but at the end stretches to form rectal balls.
Where is the rectum?
The rectum is actually the end of the large intestine, adjacent to the head of the anus, which is the passage between the colon and the anal canal

. When viewed at an angle, the rectum is shaped like a question mark, bent along the front of the coccyx.
Because the structure of the male and female genital organs is different, the location of the rectum in men and women is also different.
- In men: The rectum is located behind the bladder, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, prostate gland, separated by posterior bladder circuit and connected to the center of the pelvic bottom

- In women: The rectum is usually located at the front along with the body of the uterus, cervix and vaginal arch.

What Is The Rectum? Structure And Function Of The Rectum

The lower part of the rectum is related to the posterior vaginal wall.
The rectum is an important part of the digestive system
The composition of the rectum
Like the other organs of the digestive tract, the rectum has a very special structure. As a result of the anatomy, the on-site surgery is made up of 5 layers of ceramic:
- Mucosa
- The submucosa
- The layer consists of the inner muscular layer and the outer vertical muscle layer
- Layer under serosa
- Serene layer
Function of the rectum
Speaking of the rectum is very important for the digestive system in particular and the health of the body in general is absolutely correct because the rectum is a place to keep waste and continue to participate in the process of eliminating substances. scum through defecation. The process is specified as follows:
Immediately after receiving food, the stomach will contract and digest into liquid form, then transferred to the small intestine, then the colon and finally the rectum. At the same time, the amount of liquid food is received and resolved by the bacteria in the colon. Again, vitamins and minerals are beneficial for the digestive tract and the body will continue to be separated from the existing combination of colon
The colon then retains excess undigested or unhealthy substances.

What Is The Rectum? Structure And Function Of The Rectum

Next is the process of eliminating those substances from the body by defecation. This is also the process that shows the main function of the rectum, specifically as follows: the colon will carry waste to the rectum, at the same time the nerves will be stimulated, sending signals to the cerebral cortex , create a feeling of wanting to defecate. The rectum is now ready for the process of pushing waste out through the anus.
In short, the organs like the colon, the colon, the rectum must operate and coordinate smoothly with each other. If one of these agencies has problems, the elimination process will be difficult and greatly affect health.
Common diseases of the rectum
According to data in recent years, rectal diseases have been increasing. This disease does not exclude anyone, even people with a healthy body are at a very high risk of the disease. So what are the common pathologies?
- Rectal prolapse (mucosal prolapse and full prolapse)
Rectal prolapse has 2 types: rectal prolapse (part of the rectum) or full rectal prolapse (a symptom of the entire rectum becoming upside down and out of the anus).

What Is The Rectum? Structure And Function Of The Rectum

Research shows that people with this pathology are diverse: men, women, the elderly, children are at risk. However, compared to men, the incidence in women is 15-20% higher. The reason is that women undergo the process of pregnancy, childbirth, especially difficult cases of birth and episiotomy, which leads to the rectum being distorted and dilated. Women who have had a hysterectomy are also at high risk for this disease.
- Pathological inflammation of the rectum
Rectal inflammation is the most typical pathology of rectal diseases. Pathology occurs when the patient's rectum is damaged, resulting in an ulcer. This pathology greatly affects the functioning of the digestive system, affecting health and quality of life.
The rectum is the part prone to bacteria and virus attacks
Inflammation of the rectum is common in people with poor living habits: smoking regularly, using alcoholic beverages: alcohol, beer; Using unhygienic food, foods that have not been thoroughly cooked, polluted water sources .

What Is The Rectum? Structure And Function Of The Rectum

.. damage the mucosa, resulting in rectal inflammation. People who use antibiotics for a long time can kill beneficial bacteria that cause an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which damages the lining of the rectum.
There are also a few other causes such as: transmission, gonorrhea (having sex with an infected person, irritating the rectum mucosa, leading to rectal inflammation), psychological stress, prolonged stess, or eating habits.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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