When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

Changing milk for children is very common during child care. In fact, the exchange of milk for children has many influences on their eating habits, even health. Therefore, the mother should pay attention to the following issues.
When deciding to change milk for children, parents need to consider many aspects: age, nutritional status, pathology, tolerance and adaptation of the child's body to different types of milk, suitable to the needs. use, economic conditions of each family

Besides, the type of milk being used should meet the requirements such as age appropriate, taste, drink a lot, digest well, have good bowel movements ..
With many different types of milk on the market, choose which one to Use or change to any brand must pay close attention to:
Babies under 6 months old should breastfeed completely
According to the Ministry of Health, Vietnam currently has more than 2.

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

5 million children under 5 years of age who are malnourished in stunted form because they are not breastfed. Research from nutrition experts shows that there are polyunsaturated fatty acids in breast milk that help the baby's brain, nervous system and vision develop better.
Breastfed babies will have the development of intelligence, senses such as hearing, sight, tactile ... and the best language. The rate of children with eczema, asthma, type 1 diabetes, food allergies

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

. even obesity is much lower in the group of children not breastfed.
The first 6 months of life should be exclusively breastfed to limit health abnormalities
Choose milk to match your child's age
Babies under 6 months should only breastfeed, if formula is to be used, formula milk 1. Characteristics of these types of milk are the composition of nutrients close to breast milk, nutrients that have reasonable proportion, suitable for absorption and metabolism in babies, less likely to cause gastrointestinal disorders.
Children under 6 months of age should not use fresh cow's milk, sweetened condensed milk, whole milk powder or formula for babies over 6 months.
If you want to change milk (because your baby sucks little, doesn't gain weight or has a lot of constipation, gives up much milk, has poor bowel movements ...

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

), he / she must change to another brand of milk but still have to be in formula 1 group, because of renal the immature infant is only suitable for the protein content in formula 1.
Children who start round 6 months of age must change to formula 2 of the same brand of previously used milk. Formula 2 has a higher nutrient content than type 1 formula, especially protein, to suit your baby's growth and development. If still using formula 1 at this time, it will not guarantee to provide enough nutrients for children.
Children over 1 year of age can use a variety of milk during the day, can use fresh milk ... If necessary, can vary depending on the taste, preferences, family circumstances .

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

.. As well as formula 1, when mixed Milk should only be used with lukewarm water and mixed according to the instructions.
Each type of formula is suitable for each age of the child
Do not change milk often with young children
Because the baby's body needs some time to adapt to that type of milk, in order to have the best absorption and absorption. Each type of milk can produce its own different gut microbiota. When changing milk will change the environment of intestinal microflora, affecting the absorption of milk and even other foods.
Should change milk when necessary
When breastfeeding, have frequent diarrhea or constipation, bad stools, suck too little, do not gain weight ..

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

., parents need to choose an age-appropriate milk, trusted brand, clear origin, reasonable price. suitable for the family economy. After that, give your child a try, monitor his / her digestive tract absorption and development to determine suitability.
You can change to a new milk right away without a transition: the child can still adjust, drink the new milk normally like the previous one, achieve the goal of gaining weight, increasing well, etc. work.
Mixing milk must be the right formula
When buying milk, you must see the expiry date and correct formula according to the instructions on the box, should only use water to mix (boiled water to cool down) not use boiling water or boiling milk because it will lose or loss of vitamins and minerals in milk.
Mixing milk must follow the formula of the manufacturer
Need to mix milk when changing milk
At the beginning of the change, there should be a transition period for your baby to adjust to the new milk or check if the new milk is suitable for children or not:
Mix the ratio of new milk with 1/3 of total milk, drink 2-3 days, observe the child's reaction.

When To Change Milk For Children, How To Change Milk For Children Properly

If the child does not have a phenomenon of little feeding, quitting or diarrhea ... then continue to increase;
Mix a new rate of milk increase to tăng of the total milk and continue to observe that the baby drinks for 2-3 days;
Mix the new formula with 2/3 of the total amount of milk and continue to watch the baby drink for 2-3 days;
Finally, completely new formula for babies.
The effect of a particular type of milk on a child is not just a day or two days seen. Therefore, after changing the milk for a minimum of two weeks, you can temporarily assess whether the milk is suitable for children.
Mix milk with appropriate ratio in each stage when changing milk
And it is very important to be aware of the problems the child is experiencing due to the milk or the unsuitable solid food, the child's body is allergic,.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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