Why Should Not Eat A Lot Of Sugar?

Do not eat a lot of sugar. The excess sugar is the main cause of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many other diseases.
Starch is an important source of energy.
However, the energy supplied must correspond to the activity of the body. When excess, one part of the glucid will be stored in the muscles and liver, the other part will be converted into fatty acids or triglycerides to increase the amount of body fat

Therefore, eating excess sugar is one of the causes of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Most diets recommend not eating too much sugar.
Experts recommend not eating too much sugar
Metabolic disorders and malnutrition
Complex carbohydrates contain lots of fiber, which helps burn fat and regulate the absorption of sugar

In addition, these foods contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for metabolic needs, for the metabolism of substances, including sugars.

Why Should Not Eat A Lot Of Sugar?

In contrast, sweet foods provide only empty calories. This sugar forces the body to mobilize the vitamins and minerals available from the cells and organs in the body to meet the needs of metabolism itself, especially the group of B vitamins and calcium minerals.
Long term lead to a deficiency of these micronutrients, which can cause osteoporosis, tooth decay or some other disease.
In addition, the presence of sugars tends to prevent the secretion of digestive juices and hinders the natural functioning of the stomach, making food easier to ferment in warm and moist conditions of the stomach.
Since ancient times, mothers have often advised their children not to eat sweets before or during meals to avoid losing appetite so that they lose appetite and eat less.
Similarly, some people who are obese due to sweets or eat a lot of refined foods may also be malnourished. Despite eating or eating a lot, these empty calories not only do not provide enough of the necessary nutrients but also deplete these micronutrients from the body's organs and cells!
Endocrine disorders
Recently, according to a study of Canadian scientists published in the journal Clinical Investigation, eating a lot of sugar can cause hormonal disorders in both men and women
This is because high levels of glucose or glucose in the blood disables a protein called SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), which regulates the secretion of two hormones, Testosteron and Estrogene.

Why Should Not Eat A Lot Of Sugar?

This can lead to acne, infertility, fibroids or uterine cancer.
Eating a lot of sugar has the risk of endocrine disorders
Weakened immune system
Studies of sugar quality indicate that the amount of sugar taken into the body when drinking a soft drink size of 300ml is enough to prevent the immune response of white blood cells in killing germs that cause disease.
This decline is most pronounced about 2 hours after ingestion, and lasts up to about 5 hours after. Usually eating sweets also increases the acidity in the digestive tract, creating a favorable environment for many harmful germs to multiply, especially the oral cavity.
Adversely affecting behavior, psychology
The treatment experience of Dr. Harvey Ross, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles, also shows that eating a lot of sugar is the sole cause of the disease in some of his patients. Eating sweet can spike blood sugar and create a sense of comfort as the brain is the most sensitive organization for glucose. This feeling also disappears quickly when blood sugar drops.

Why Should Not Eat A Lot Of Sugar?

The up and down fluctuations that occur often cause addiction to "sweeteners", disrupt endocrine activity, increase oxidative stress and adversely affect human behavior and psychology.
Risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular from addiction to sugar
In general, confectionery is a favorite food. We do not necessarily give it up. However, the "addiction" of sweet foods can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, impaired resistance and many other disorders of the body including brain activity. /..

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