Wisdom Teeth Are? The Effect Of Wisdom Tooth Deviation

Most adults have 4 wisdom teeth, which grow in the innermost position of the jaw but others do not have wisdom teeth or only have 2 wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth may grow out of shape and affect other teeth, so tooth extraction is often indicated.
What is wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth are the third largest molar to grow in the innermost part of the jaw, most people have 4 wisdom teeth - the top 2 teeth and the bottom 2 teeth. The lower wisdom teeth have a higher incidence of growth and are underground than the upper teeth.
The age of wisdom teeth will be from 17 to 25, wisdom teeth can lead to pain, damage to other teeth and cause other oral problems

Wisdom teeth are the innermost teeth of the jaw
Symptoms when wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth do not always cause symptoms. However, when an infected tooth grows at the same time, it can damage other teeth or cause dental problems including:
Red or swollen gums
Bleeding gums
Jaw pain
Swelling around the jaw
Difficult to open mouth
Wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty opening the mouth
Causes wisdom teeth deviate
Bad wisdom teeth can be caused by a number of reasons:
The size between teeth and jaw bone tends to be unbalanced
Molars are less active in chewing due to soft processed foods that make bones less developed
Wisdom teeth grow most slowly on the bow so there is no room to grow
Wisdom teeth grow between the ages of 18 and 25, by which time the jawbone no longer grows but has matured and has high stiffness
Gingival mucosa too thick and too strong
The stage of wisdom tooth germ is developing at the same time, the jaw bone also grows down and forward, so the development of the tooth germ causes the crown to grow near and the root far.
In addition, racial factors also affect the rate of teething, Asians with small jaw frame so prone to wisdom teeth erupting more than Europeans

The directions of wisdom teeth include:
Grow close and lean toward teeth 7
Grows vertically
The jam grows in the back
Grows horizontally
Grown in the oral mucosa and boss gums
Grown in the jawbone, covered by the jaw bone and not protruding
The direction of wisdom teeth
Complications when wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth can cause problems in the mouth, such as:
Gingivitis gingivitis
When wisdom teeth grow, if they are not clean, they are stuffed with food, causing inflammation, redness, pain around the teeth leading to gingivitis, worse than abscess, hard jaw.

Wisdom Teeth Are? The Effect Of Wisdom Tooth Deviation

If the inflammation lasts for long, it will destroy the bones around the teeth and the adjacent teeth, jaw bone inflammation, blood infections ...
Side cavities
Wisdom teeth that deviate from the side, leaning against the side teeth, will trap food and be difficult to clean. This makes teeth at high risk for cavities.
Follicle crown
Wisdom teeth that grow underground will create cysts of crowns that grow silently in the jawbone. If subjective is not treated, the jaw bone will be gradually destroyed and increase the risk of jaw fracture

Bucket skewed teeth
When teething, tilting toward the front teeth will cause these teeth to be skewed and crowded together causing aesthetic loss of teeth.

Wisdom Teeth Are? The Effect Of Wisdom Tooth Deviation

Periodontal disease
Teeth do not deviate implicitly, causing periodontal disease for adjacent teeth such as difficult to clean teeth, target bone resorption ...
Stuffy jaw
- Difficulty opening your mouth, or having limited mouth opening
- Infection occurs after acute inflammation
- Swollen jaw angle
- Pain when eating chewing, moving jaw
Wisdom teeth will be indicated for extraction if complications occur
When to extract teeth?
Where the dentist appoint tooth extraction will be:
Teething or misaligned teeth cause complications: pain, tight jaw, inflammation, tooth decay ...
Teething teeth deviate from the arch, not involved in chewing, making it difficult to clean your teeth
When you need orthodontics, restorations
Before the diagnosis, the dentist will require an x-ray to determine the location, the height of the teeth and then the treatment method.
After extractions to reduce pain and heal faster, attention should be paid to:
To reduce swelling, apply a pack to the cheek for 30 minutes and then remove for 30 minutes and so on.

Wisdom Teeth Are? The Effect Of Wisdom Tooth Deviation

Bite a clean gauze to stop bleeding.
Only eat soft foods and drink extra water.
Avoid chewing hard or crunchy foods at the extraction site.
Clean teeth the day after surgery.
Take your doctor's prescription medication and follow the instructions exactly..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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