Women Should Not Take Birth Control Pills

Daily contraceptives, emergency contraception, are hormonal contraceptives that interfere with ovulation to prevent ovulation leading to pregnancy in women.
In the process of using birth control pills will certainly have some unwanted side effects or the relatively "sorrowful" situation makes women worried and disturbed.
Below, we summarize some special cases through the questions that you sent back with the advice of an obstetrician. Besides, the note for those taking birth control pills to remember.
Using birth control pills should be noted
Menorrhagia when using emergency contraception
I use the instant contraceptive 24h but every time I take it, about 1 week later I get a period, even though it has just finished 1 week

. Is that harmful to health?
I look forward to the consultation of the doctor.
(X.T - Hoan Kiem, Hanoi)
Menstruation occurs because at the end of the cycle, the amount of estrogen released by the ovaries decreases sharply, causing the endometrial flaking to cause bleeding

If estrogen levels remain high at the end of the cycle, menstruation will not occur.

Women Should Not Take Birth Control Pills

Therefore, the use of hormonal contraceptives helps to push back menstruation.
However, using birth control pills or any hormone-containing medicines to change the natural rules must be very cautious. Therefore, in case of great necessity or taking a prescription of a new doctor, it is recommended to use especially for unmarried girls who have not yet given birth.
Similarly, taking medication to regulate menstruation is also against the natural physiological state of the body so it is always harmful.
For women with perfectly normal health, the body produces a reasonable lubricant to nourish the ovaries. If the body regularly receives too much hormone from the outside due to abuse of menstrual drugs or long-term contraception, it will create many conditions such as endocrine disorders, breast adenoma, ovarian atrophy easily leading to infrequent born.
On the other hand, when stopping the drug, you will be more likely to experience prolonged menstrual periods (menorrhagia) and have a lot of blood
Moreover, this therapy also causes side effects such as anorexia, nausea, chest pain, skin rashes, easy inflammation of the vagina and urinary tract .

Women Should Not Take Birth Control Pills

According to TS. Nguyen Viet Tien, Director of the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology: menstrual medicine should be used only in cases of force majeure. If you use it for a long period of time and often, infertility in the future will occur. The most dangerous is for women who have not yet given birth. However, even for women who have given birth if the ovaries are suppressed for a long time, secondary infertility will have to be taken into account. To be safe, this method should only be used 2-3 times a year and the distance between them must be far apart.

Women Should Not Take Birth Control Pills

Menstrual changes can be an early warning sign of another health problem. Therefore, if your condition is worse or combined with the following symptoms, you need to visit reputable obstetric facilities for timely medical examination and intervention to avoid unpredictable complications:
Losing periods from 3 to 6 months or longer;
Symptoms of long-term headache leading to hair loss or visual changes;
The mammary gland often secretes milk or fluid;
Menopause is a common phenomenon when taking oral contraceptives
How long after having a baby will I stop having birth control pills?
Hello doctor!
To prevent pregnancy, I chose to use the medicine method. Now, because I want to have a baby, I have given up the vaccine for half a month but still worry about not knowing how to stop the birth control pills and then have a child right away?
What if I get vaccinated against measles, flu and rubella? I heard I had to get vaccinated before 3 months of pregnancy. If a child is pregnant, will vaccinations affect the baby?
Hope the doctor give me advice, thank you.
(B.N.H - Nghe An)
Hello, about your question there are two issues:
How often will a baby after stopping daily contraceptive pills?
The problem of vaccination before pregnancy: how long should the previous vaccination, if pregnant if accidentally vaccinated will affect the baby?
Firstly, about taking birth control pills, you should have used up the whole pack of birth control pills and stopped and waited to have your period, then "release" to get pregnant. You should not take the medicine halfway and then stop.

Women Should Not Take Birth Control Pills

Because after stopping the drug so suddenly, you can ovulate and get pregnant at any time. At this time, the hormonal level of birth control pills is still in the mother's body and may partly affect pregnancy (although very small but not excluded).
Secondly, the vaccination against diseases such as measles, flu, mumps, rubella, chicken pox before pregnancy is really necessary to avoid infection during pregnancy that can cause complications and deformities for the baby.
The recommended vaccinations before pregnancy are as follows:
Get the chickenpox vaccine at least 1 month before getting pregnant;
Vaccinate measles - mumps - rubella vaccine at least 3 months before pregnancy;
Get a flu vaccine at least 1 month before getting pregnant;
The reason is that vaccines are made from attenuated viruses so they may be affected.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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