Worry When You See Children Prone

Mothers are often quite worried when they see babies sleeping on their stomachs, will this pose affect the baby? Let's answer the questions offline.
Harmful when the child lies on his stomach
Sudden sleep death rate is highest between the ages of 1 month and 1 year. The children often die while sleeping. Among them, from 1 to 8 months of age, the risk is the highest; especially at 2-4 months of age. Boys are more likely to die suddenly than girls

Because of this, the prone position is not recommended for children for many reasons as follows:
Increased risk of sudden infant death (SIDS)
Increasing pressure on the baby's jaw and narrowing the airway leads to reduced air flow
When lying on his stomach, his face will be close to the pillow, causing poor air circulation, and the amount of air he exhales and inhales unevenly, more CO2
Children prone to sudden stomach when lying too soft pillow
Easy to inhale microorganisms on cushions and pillows
The size of the head of the child is quite large, the force in the neck is not sufficient so it will be difficult to turn over
Lying on the stomach makes the abdomen in contact with the bed mattress, causing the body temperature to rise, difficult to dissipate heat, accumulate sweat causing eczema for children
If lying on the stomach for a long time also makes the baby's face bone affected aesthetic
However, experts also suggest that not always prone to sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for the baby and frighten parents. About 6 months of age, many babies turn proficient from back to stomach; therefore, it is difficult for parents to "manage" their child's sleeping position.
But experts warn that, while lying on his stomach is his favorite position, it is still advisable to put him on his back to sleep at least until he is 1 year old - the position that is safest for the youngest because lying face down is involved
to sudden infant sleep syndrome as known.

Worry When You See Children Prone

Tips to keep children safe while sleeping
No lying bed
The first priority is to choose a hard cushion for children, should not choose soft or quick water cushion. Besides soft pillows, cotton pillows, stuffed animals should not be used in the child's sleeping area because it can cover or cover the head of the child during sleep. Should choose small and long pillows, moderate hardness, place the pillow deep on the back of the neck, close to the neck and shoulders.
Avoid covering, hooding of children
Only cover and insert pillows across the child's chest and place his hands outside the blanket to avoid blanket movement when the child is sleeping or may cover the baby's head. You should use light cotton or pillow covers for children.
Do not let children get hot while sleeping
Mothers should wear light, cool clothes for children when they sleep because children often have higher temperatures than adults. Do not wear tight pants or clothing that is too tight and touch the skin often to see if it is hot or not

Create a comfortable environment for children to sleep
Parents need to create a cool and comfortable environment with a temperature of about 20 degrees to give children the best sleep.

Worry When You See Children Prone

Let children share a room
To facilitate breastfeeding at night and monitor the baby's condition, the mother should sleep in the same room. However, do not sleep in the same bed, but let the baby lie alone in a cradle or crib.
How to train your child to sleep on his or her back
A few suggestions to help mom "train" the baby to sleep on his or her back:
- Put baby on his back from the beginning of sleep. If you place your baby on his or her side, it is convenient for him to turn his stomach over and lie on his stomach.
- If your baby is at least 1 year old, it is a safe period for you to use a blanket for your baby: cover the baby, use buttons to fix the edges under the mattress after placing the baby in the supine position (choose a blanket of length to facilitate immobilization).
When the blanket is fixed, care should be taken that it is not too tight for the baby to suffocate, but it is not too loose, which will easily turn over. Keep baby's feet as close to the tail as possible.
- Or use a blanket, like a warm blanket for babies, but this is for babies over 1 year old.

Worry When You See Children Prone

Limiting your baby's limb movements during sleep will make it easier for him / her to turn over.
Place the baby in a thin blanket, squeeze the edge of the blanket to the right of the baby's left arm, the other edge is squeezed to the opposite side but is below the baby's arm. Do not wrap the blanket too tightly and do not use this method for a long time.
In addition, parents should consult a doctor if their child's sleeping habits make parents worried..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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