Here are the foods you should avoid in your diet if you don't want heartburn to "knock on the door." Chocolate Sad news for you who are crazy fans of sweet chocolate bars. This is the leading cause of heartburn compared to other foods. The reason is because: - Chocolate contains caffeine and ...
Alcohol Drinking alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, including symptoms such as low birth weight, medical problems, and abnormal behavior. As soon as you know you're pregnant, stop drinking alcohol. Cigarette Tobacco is not only not good for the mother's body, nor good for the baby in the ...
There are many causes of difficulty conceiving leading to infertility. About one-third of cases are caused by men, one-third for women and the other one-third belong to both sexes. If you are under the age of 35 and have failed (despite trying) to conceive for a year, you should seek a reproductive ...
I am 29 years old this year, the second baby is 7-8 weeks old (according to the first ultrasound on July 29, 2011). Because during pregnancy I did not know I was pregnant, so I took an emergency pill of 120g, and had a cold, so I took Decolgen to treat the flu. Now I am very worried about the ...
Replace meals with energy drinks Energy drinks quickly boost your body's energy levels, as it has the ability to "fuel" your muscles thanks to their high content of carbohydrates and proteins. But behind that recognizable use, energy drinks also have many potential health implications. Especially ...
Long-lasting ulcers are an obsession of many patients due to radiation therapy for cancer, diabetes, traffic accidents, long-term patients ... Long-term ulcers cause pain, guilt and annoyance for many patients. in daily activities. What are wounds, sores? The wound may be due to mechanical causes, ...
I heard that shingles is hard to treat and very similar to shingles. So are these two diseases different, doctor? (Duong Van Toan - Quang Ninh) Reply Shingles is a viral disease that causes redness and inflammation of the skin along the nerves of the body: along the arms, along the ribs ...
I do not understand why need to eat iodized salt? What food is high in iodine, doctor? (Nguyen Thi Loan - Hai Phong) Reply Iodine is one of the minerals that is very important to human health. In the body, iodine is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland: it is in the thyroid hormone, ...
The fungus Cladosporium werneckii often causes palm black fungus (tinea nigra palnaris). Tinea nigra palmaris (tinea nigra palmaris) appears everywhere in the world, and is found in tropical regions like South Africa and Southeast Asia. This disease is also known as black-hand fungus with ...
When your breasts show abnormal signs of enlargement, this is the first sign that you are pregnant. Along with the growing belly, the chest is developing equally fast. Whether you are, are or will be pregnant, there are questions surrounding this. Mushroom If you suddenly feel a sore or cracked ...
It directly affects the process of teething, such as causing the teeth of the teething, dislocating the bite, affecting the arch and aesthetic of the teeth. Sucking fingers also causes the tongue to be pushed forward making it difficult for children to pronounce. In addition, this habit also causes ...
Busy life, time pressure, work make us sometimes notice an essential need of the body: sleep. According to the US National Sleep Research Foundation, up to 63% of adults don't get enough sleep 8 hours a day as recommended. How much sleep is enough? It is recommended that adults should get between ...
My daughter is currently 22 days old but has a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing due to family flu, and I now have flu. I have been using the Cam Xuyen flu medicine for 1 day, drinking the basil water everyday and using the Natriclorid medicine for my child, but I have not improved much. I am ...
If you have children, you will find the care, body hygiene for children quite complicated. Those who are lucky enough to have "sticky and tedious" even more confused before that. However, the most striking difference is the hygiene of the baby's genitals. Genital organs of boys and girls are both ...
I was pregnant at 20 weeks. From the time of morning sickness, I sometimes had a headache, until now I still do not help, sometimes very painful. May I ask, is headache during pregnancy normal? Is there anything to worry about? Reply Although not as common as morning sickness, fatigue, headaches ...