One of the great things about yoga is that it is very suitable for all different subjects with all physical abilities and diverse needs. Although the popular image of yoga is that a young person flexes his body easily, older and less flexible people can apply a yoga exercise and gain certain ...
Summer swimming not only helps us stay healthy but also maintains a good shape. However, never eat too full before you step into the pool. A recent report in the journal "Medicine, Science and Law" showed that scientists found that those who ate well before going to the lake were at higher risk of ...
During the "red light" days, I often have abdominal pain and back pain. During those times when I sleep, I often have to lie on my stomach because that way, I feel more comfortable and less painful but my friend said that lying like that affects the "mountains" most makes puberty like us. The ...
Aloe is a herb that lives for many years, leaves are green, sessile, closely spaced, thick, dusky, with 3 edges, thick edges, and coarse teeth. This plant has many different names, but the most common are aloe vera and aloe vera. It is certainly not a coincidence that more and more famous cosmetic, ...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a common disorder in modern life today. People with anxiety disorders are tending to increase in the number and severity of the disease. The following foods will be suggestions for you to add to your diet, helping you stay healthy, confident and love ...
What is uterine fibroid pathology and how does it affect a person's body? Let's find out in the article below. Outline Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of the uterine muscle, also known as uterine fibroids because they are made up of connective tissue and smooth muscle of the uterus. - Ratio: + ...
Causes and remedies of indigestion Indigestion can occur with most people at any time. It irritates the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. In severe illness, it can cause heartburn, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Indigestion may be the result of your eating habits, or it could be a chronic ...
Following the article on hearing loss in the elderly, this article will learn about the consequence of this disease that is about deafness in the elderly. Most people with hearing loss in the elderly do not become completely deaf, but deafness in the elderly indicates a significant loss of sound ...
Like any part of your body, your ovaries age with age. Therefore, health care for the ovaries is a very necessary but important job. A nutritious, scientific diet is not only good for the ovaries but also good for health. To improve your health and fertility, you should supplement the following ...
Infertility is now a worry of many couples. Finding the right cause of infertility in both men and women, the cure rate will be higher. Causes of infertility in men Sperm quality Weak sperm, too few sperm count (less than 10 million / 1 ml of semen) makes it difficult for sperm to reach the ovule ...
A reasonable diet is not only good for your health, but it also supports the control and treatment of polycystic ovarian disease. Here are suggestions to help answer the question of what polycystic ovaries should eat! Symptoms of polycystic ovary disease Polycystic ovarian disease occurs when the ...
There are many reasons why babies lose sleep at night: Teething babies, babies sleep a lot during the day, babies afraid of the dark ... This has a significant impact on the health and development of the baby's brain. Here are some foods to help your baby sleep better at night. Mother will no ...
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), every year around 55,000 people worldwide die from rabies. Although rabies has existed for a long time and it is completely preventable, in our rural provinces, rabies is still complicated and causes tragic losses for ...
When using effervescent drug, the drug is dissolved in water, so the drug reaches the stomach faster, absorbs faster and works quickly. Therefore, the effervescent tablet form is considered to work quickly. Effervescent tablets are often suitable for patients who have difficulty swallowing, ...
The hot, humid weather and heavy rains of the summer are favorable conditions for many diseases including eczema. Eczema is not dangerous but lasts a long time and is very uncomfortable for patients. Especially with eczema, choosing the wrong medicine and using it incorrectly will make it worse or ...