Regular health checkups are visits at certain times even though we are feeling very healthy. You need to know 5 steps to take before a routine health check to get the most accurate and effective visit. Regular health checks can help detect health disorders before they begin or at an early stage of ...
Finding surrogates is the need of many couples having reproductive problems. However, not everyone knows when to use a gestational carrier and the criteria to choose an appropriate surrogate. 1. When to look for a surrogate mother The following cases should use a gestational carrier: • People who ...
Forgetting is a common disease, especially in the elderly and elderly, due to impaired brain function due to various causes. According to the concept of Oriental medicine, the cause of amnesia is anxiety, excessive concern, and damage to the marrow, leading to inadequate nutrition of the brain. To ...
Supplements are the common name for the drug whose composition is usually vitamins, minerals, amino acids (simple compounds caused by protein metabolism). These drugs work to rejuvenate cells, enhance the ability to convert food into nutrients that nourish the body, strengthen bones and joints, ...
Some foods like eggplant, purple sweet potato, bitter melon or seaweed ... have a good effect against cancer cells. Eggplant Eggplant is a very nutritious vegetable, contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C and proteins. In fact, eggplant not only helps to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure but also ...
In Vietnamese meals, soup is one of the indispensable dishes. However, eating soup is not simple. Need to know how to eat soup and eat at what time to the best for health. Many people have a habit of eating soup with rice because it is easy to eat. However, according to a scientific study, those ...
Vaccination in recent years has contributed actively to prevent a number of diseases circulating in the community. However, some cases of anaphylaxis have actually occurred, especially in children. Therefore, this issue should be considered when using preventive vaccines. Vaccines can be made from ...
Giving children medication, both over-the-counter and herbal, is not arbitrary. Always ask the doctor before giving your child any medicine that is never redundant advice for parents. Babies are much younger and more reactive to adults than adults, so giving them medicine - both over-the-counter ...
Seasonal allergies always cause discomfort. In fact, there are many foods rich in anti-allergic quercetin. Natural plant compounds can help fight inflammation, which reduces the production of histamine in the body (histamine, a chemical found in some cells of the body that causes many people to ...
Eyes Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by three reasons: One is sleep deprivation, the second is your skin is getting thinner and clearer due to age. This means the blood vessels are becoming more prominent, more noticeable. Third, the blood vessels are too close to the skin surface. If the ...
Disturbed metabolism will greatly affect the functioning of organs in the body and these organs will not be able to perform their inherent functions, making your health significantly reduced. go. Here are 6 habits that have a negative effect on metabolism. 1. Breakfast is not right You already know ...
Calcium plays a very important role in many activities of the body such as participating in muscle contraction, neurotransmission, releasing hormones and blood clotting ... so if calcium deficiency, a lot of dangerous diseases happening. Why is hypocalcaemia? Hypocalcaemia is common in people who ...
Our female ovaries are the leading organ responsible for the production of eggs, which is a powerful support for fertilization, thereby determining fertility in women. If the ovary is disturbed, its functional activities are reversed, which will greatly affect the pregnant - motherhood of ...
Those who are too slender often want to have sexy curves in a healthy way through their daily diet. Here are 8 foods that are healthy and help you gain weight. Salmon As you know, the best weight gainers are fish or protein. Of all fish, salmon may work best for you. You can eat a lot, but it is ...
Originally a wild plant that spreads throughout rice fields in rural areas, but now consumers love clean and healthy vegetables, sturgeon is at the top of the list of "rich vegetables". Market hunting grandma. Squeeze is a wild plant Ginkgo sturgeon is English Physalis angulata, in many other areas ...