Not all antenatal care signs listed in the antenatal care book are clearly explained by the doctor and this has become a concern for most pregnant women. During pregnancy, it is very important for mothers to have regular checkups to monitor the mother's health and fetal development. When going to ...
Literature still advises pregnant women to visit at least 3 times. So it's best to check several times, at what time? About 7-8 times. The first antenatal check-up should be done about 3 weeks after the first period. The doctor will ultrasound to confirm the developing pregnancy and a blood ...
Sleep helps maintain health, reduce fatigue ... habits before and during sleep are crucial factors to sleep quality. If prolonged fake sleep will cause headaches, tinnitus, forgetfulness, weakened immune system ... Normal sleep is divided into 4 stages: consciousness, stale, between sleep and deep ...
This policy describes how we protect your confidential information as users of this website; not as a patient. If you are a patient of HONG NGOC HOSPITAL, you have other rights to the data contained in a designated set of records. For complete information on patient privacy, please call (84-4) 39 ...
Banana is not only a food, but also a natural medicine to support the treatment of many diseases. Banana tree is also known as three pepper, scientific name musa SPP belongs to the banana family (Musaceae). As a tree grown in all parts of our country, with many different banana varieties such as ...
With the 7 simple procedures that researchers have tested on many women, you can lose an average of 3 kg and within 6 months. 1. Plan to go and speak during the meeting Instead of sitting still in a meeting, brainstorm and speak a lot during meetings, this will not only help you score with your ...
Many women are very confused, worried when they know that they are pregnant with multiple pregnancies because then the mother faces more risks than single mothers. Medical experts believe that multiple pregnancies are a normal phenomenon, but multiple pregnancies also have the potential to affect ...
Congenital biliary atrophy is one of the causes of jaundice and cholestasis in children. Children at risk of dying before 1 year of age if not detected, treated promptly. This is a congenital disease whose cause is unknown. The incidence is about 1 in 10,000 newborns. When found, the baby usually ...
Taking care of the first baby is sometimes an overwhelming task, especially for young mothers. Difficulties are unavoidable and many times make mistakes when dealing with difficulties beyond this capacity. Here are some mistakes that you can easily avoid to be able to take care of your little baby ...
Every year, everyone in my family gets conjunctivitis every summer. Was it because we were swimming that we were infected? (Mai Thu Ha - Nghe An). Reply Conjunctivitis is an eye disease caused by gram-negative bacteria Koch-Weeks, which often breaks out in summer. The disease is caused by many ...
I was bitten into my left calf 5 days ago, I washed the wound with red medicine and took antibiotics, now the bite has healed. Because the dog was released without knowing which house it was, many people recommended getting vaccinated against rabies. Looking forward to consulting your doctor? ...
Potato has the scientific name of Solanum tuberosum L., potatoes are mainly used as food, starch processing in food, alcohol industry, paper paste, lychee, pharmaceutical industry. Some countries in the world have used potatoes to treat a number of cardiovascular and digestive diseases with results ...
Experts at the University of Guelph (Canada) have just said that eating fast food full of fat along with drinking coffee makes health condition seriously affected. Scientists have discovered that not only does it cause hyperglycemia after a high-fat meal, but this peak is doubled when eating fast ...
Colors, smells, etc. are some of the initial judgments that can help you check if your sperm is healthy. Initially, fine-grained sperm can be judged through the following methods: - Color: Normal semen has a milky white color like egg white, of course only slightly clear. Semen of those who are ...
Some manifestations of irregular breathing, mild stuffy nose, swollen mammary glands ... in infants often make parents worried. In essence, the problem is not so serious: Breathing irregularly during sleep The chest of an infant is usually small, so gas exchange is usually less. The number of ...