
  • Many women want to have a bright white skin and rush to apply many unsafe methods, which are harmful to their skin and health. Here are the common mistakes in body whitening - Wait for bad skin, aging to take care of: If you do not want to spend a lot of time, effort and money to invest in ...
  • According to folklore, there are many remedies to help your skin naturally pink and white. Introducing to you some remedies for darkening skin, freckles and smoothing the skin. For darkened face skin: According to physician Nguyen Cong Duc - lecturer of Traditional Medicine, University of ...
  • Seeing anorexic child, instead of taking the child to the doctor to find out the cause, many mothers bought their own stimulant to eat. According to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc - a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, some drugs are currently being used to stimulate ...
  • Clorothiazide and thiazide diuretics are among the drugs used to treat hypertension (used alone or in combination with other blood pressure medications such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-1) or blockers beta). The drug has the effect of increasing the excretion of sodium chloride ...
  • Normally, the body always has dehydration through the skin. When the weather is dry, this dehydration increases, so the skin becomes drier, in some places, like the palms and feet often have keratosis. People with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, fish scales or dry skin atopic skin, in addition to dry ...
  • There is really no food that can make children smart, but the nutrients only support the development of the genetic potential of the available intelligence. In addition, the education, training also works to support development intelligence. The development of intelligence in children depends on ...
  • Seeing her 4-month-old daughter suddenly giving up breast-feeding, Ms. Huong (Cau Giay, Hanoi) took her to the National Institute of Nutrition and was surprised to learn that two of her favorite dishes were pork with pepper and fried beef with garlic. His cause is this. Also at the Clinic of the ...
  • Brain bleeding (or brain hemorrhage) accounts for 40% of strokes. Particularly for Japan and Vietnam, the brain hemorrhage exceeded 50% of stroke. That's not to say the most serious cerebral hemorrhage in a stroke due to double death. Risk factor The onset of illness is very sudden and intense, ...
  • Age and bad habits make you obsessed with wrinkles in the corners of your eyes and puffiness on your lower eyelids. Changing a few habits and applying the tips below will surely help you feel more confident with the "window of the soul" ... 1. Massage your eyes in the morning Gently massaging the ...
  • Sinusitis (VX) is a fairly common disease in our country. Children and adults can get VX, but the proportion of adults with this disease is much higher than children. VX can be found all year round but winter - spring, there are more people infected, especially VX disease related to allergies. Why ...
  • Spinach has a sweet, spicy, non-toxic properties. This vegetable is used to treat conditions: high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, eye aches, diabetes, constipation ... Macrobiotic effect Laxative colloid, prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids: Spinach contains a lot of food fiber, has the ...
  • Amlodipine is one of the drugs that is very familiar to patients with hypertension, angina ... With anti-hypertensive effect, the drug works well both when standing, lying as well as sitting and while working. Because amlodipine is slow acting, there is less risk of acute hypotension or reflex ...
  • I am 22 years old, married for more than 1 year, my wife and I want to have children but I do not know when it is best to get pregnant. Looking forward to consulting your doctor? (Tran Thi Men - Quang Ninh) Reply Many studies show that: The best fertility age in a woman's life is 24-29 years old, ...
  • My 5-year-old son, cousins of primary and secondary school children are myopic to wear glasses. I am worried that my child will be nearsighted. Looking forward to your doctor for advice to protect your eyesight? (Nguyen Thi Vui - Thai Nguyen) Reply Want to protect the eyesight of children, ...
  • Celery has a special aroma, very delicious when fried with beef. But this vegetable is also known as a "specific drug" that can blow away the nasty acne. In Western countries and China, celery has long been used as a diuretic. cooling, reducing cough, lowering blood pressure, increasing appetite. ...