HNX and the State Treasury have also coordinated to organize the first bidding session to acquire Term Government bonds. The first bidding bidding for government bonds is term. Artwork: HNXThe information from the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), Circular No. 107/2020 / TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance guides acquisition transactions with term of government bonds from funds The state temporarily idle, opened the mechanism to allow the State Treasury to become investors in the market of debt instruments.HNX and State Treasury also coordinated to organize the first auction session to acquire Government bonds are term
. Bidding is carried out on the acquisition of term Government bonds with term (ABBS system) built and developed by HNX. At this session, the State Treasury called a bid to 800 billion VND of government bonds with an acquisition of 14 days. Bidding has 5 members participating in the bidding, the total volume of bid is VND 1,150 billion
As a result, the volume of winning bids reached VND 300 billion with 2 members of the bidder.HNX said that the successful auction session showed a close and effective coordination between HNX and the State Treasury in developing Declaring Circular No. 107/2020 / TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance guiding the acquisition of bonds with the term of Government bonds from the State fund temporarily idle. The state became an investor in the debt instrument market, which could be acquired government bonds in the secondary market issued by this organization. That state, the State Treasury was made of acquisition transactions. There is a term of Government bonds with commercial banks who are a member of government bonds and are selected by the State Treasury. The Government Bonds are accepted by the State Treasury as bonds are being sealed listed on the Stock Exchange, with the remaining term of no more than 1 year; under the legal ownership of the seller and are allowed to transfer ... the ABBS system allows the implementation of the entire bid opening process, bid offering, bidding, and the calculation of transactions, then the result of the term Government bonds will be aggregated with repos transactions (transactions to buy and sell terminals) available to send to Vietnam Securities Depository Center (VSD) clearing
HNX said that , the acquisition of government bonds of the State Treasury is expected to bring the new wind market, with the participation of investors, especially the State Treasury. From that, contribute to perfecting the market Government bonds with new operations, increasing competitiveness in the market; Promote government bond transactions on the secondary market and support liquidity to market members. . Dịch vụ:
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