What Business Leaders Learn From Billionaire Bill Gates

In this year's annual Reading Reading Recommendation this year, Bill Gates has given advice for business leaders taken from the book 'Lights Out: Pride, Delusion, and The Fall of General Electric'. Billionaire Bill Gates. Photo: Getty Images. In this year's annual reading book recommends this year, Bill Gates mainly proposes books that enhance the relationship between people and nature. In which there is a special outstanding book title: "Lights Out: Pride, Delusion, and The Fall of General Electric" (temporarily translated: "Turn off the lights: pride, illusion and the collapse of General Electric Company ")

. The content is a warning about the leaders of General Electric (abbreviated as GE) - one of the largest companies in the world - was too blind to their success in a while Too long that it was too late to save their own business work.Bill shared in his blog called "Gates Note": "I am very eager to read 'Lights Out: Pride, Delusion, and The Fall Of General Electric 'of two reporters Thomas Gryta and Ted Mann from Wall Street Journal. I want to understand what really happened and this story has what lessons for investors, management agencies, business leaders and specialized students
"General Electric is one of the customers Microsoft's first. Therefore, adding this book to his advice is not easy for Gates, because the book is a review and analyzes decisions that should never be done in a specific company .Gates said: "Sometimes as a former CEO, I feel a bit difficult to read such harsh criticism, especially towards my friends - General leaders Electric. But I learned a lot after reading this book. "According to him, the following are some important things that he draws after reading this book and giving advice for business leaders : The ambition must have a clear route. One thing is mentioned by Bill in his blog: "One of Ge's most obvious strengths is actually one of their biggest weaknesses." Ge always reached Or exceed the Wall Street analysts in quarterly or annual results. But what happened is simply the hearts of investors and stock market performance - is not always an indicator that is all good. A company can have quite large revenue, But if it is lower than the expectations of analysts, analysts will publish negative comments and stock prices can fall sharply. In contrast, a company can lose large losses, but if they are lower than the expectations of analysts, its stock prices can rise
Gates added that "Lights Out" has detailed some details The suspicious method GE has used to achieve the numbers that the company feels necessary and finding this short-term profit has weakened the company. Don't focus on the good news said: "In many companies, bad news is often known very slowly, in the time the good news goes much faster." This error leader said he tried to stop this at Microsoft: Whenever an employee told him positive news, Gates would ask that employee again that what was going on? Is it so good? "Although some people can see this dismay the staff, but the final message is not motivating people just focusing on good news, because it might mean Receiving bad news promptly. The goal with the goal of this has happened similarly in General Electric. The company has had the absolute beliefs of investors but surprisingly the colds of GE have never had that faith. Leaders try to participate in almost everything they can, including filmmaking, insurance, finance and nuclear power plants - as well as manufacturing bulbs and household appliances.Gates said : "GE does not have proper talents and systems to combine a variety of unrelated businesses and manage them well. GE has successfully persuaded people that their administrators can avoid the traps that have been suffered by large corporations in the past. " He added: "Actually those administrators often do not understand the specific details of the sectors they have to manage and cannot navigate their industry trends." If customers and partners believe that Your company is the best or most advanced, they put absolute faith in that company. But if a leader suggests that it is obviously true and does not have any concern or without any capacity to criticize or improve, the leader will fail accordingly nature./.

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